1. My friend who is the brother of affliction weeps when alone,
His heart burning with passion, not indifference,
١. يبتُ أخو البلوى إذا الخِلوُ غمَّضا
وفي قلبه جمر من الوجد لا الغضا
2. And what affliction is like the whiteness that appeared,
And what loss is like the darkness that vanished.
٢. وأيّةُ بلوى كالبياض الذي بدا
وأيُّ فقيدٍ كالسَّواد الذي نضا
3. My friend, I lament the passing of an era with my companion,
Whose nights quenched me with pure, limpid water,
٣. خليليّ إني نادبٌ عهد صاحبٍ
سقتْني لياليه الزُلال المرضرضا
4. Only to be replaced by a contemptible substitute,
Whose nights gave me bitter, fetid water to drink.
٤. ولاح بديلٌ منه رذل كأنما
سقتني لياليه الزُعاف المخضخضا
5. In your life together, do not overly blame the excessive fault-finder,
Cursing an era that has oppressed and been harsh.
٥. بعيشكما لا تُكثرا عذل مكثرٍ
ملامةَ دهرٍ قد أغصَّ وأجرضا
6. The motto of the noble youth is to blame the present time,
And praise the time that has passed.
٦. شعارُ الفتى ذمُ الزمان الذي أتى
ومن شأنه حمدُ الزمانِ الذي مضى
7. Why not, when the future holds a brother of life to embrace,
And the past holds a brother of life to be content with.
٧. ولمْ لا وفي الآتي أخو العيش يُجتوَى
وفي الزمن الماضي أخو العيش يُرتَضى
8. Neither youth nor old age remain constant for the youth,
Except in vicissitude and passing away.
٨. شبابٌ وشيبٌ ما استدار على الفتى
شبيهُهُما إلا أمرَّ وأنقضا
9. Night and day swore that if they built,
Together they would demolish and destroy it.
٩. نهارٌ وليلٌ أكّد الحلْفُ أنه
إذا بَنَيا مبنىً فشاداه قَوَّضا
10. The days of joy that enraptured hearts have passed,
So shed tears for it that pour down.
١٠. مضى زمنُ اللحظ الذي كان يستبي
قُلوبَ المها فاجعله دمعاً مُغيَّضا
11. I see my love has abandoned and rejected me,
Yet it is right that one with white hair be blamed and spurned.
١١. أرى مُطرياتي عِبنَني ورفَضْنني
وذو الشَيب أهلٌ أن يُعاب ويرفضا
12. Still he never ceased, with his white head bowed,
Devoted to passion, with an unbroken vow.
١٢. وما انفكَّ موتوراً من ابيض رأسهُ
لَقىً للهوى لا ينقُضُ الوترَ مَنْقضا
13. He meets the foolish youth, bedazzled,
If he wishes, drawing near a tender branch or shedding leaves.
١٣. وتلقى أخا الفرع البهيم مظفَّراً
إذا شاء أضْنى ذاتَ دلٍّ وأحْرضا
14. That is how victorious armies are with their black uniforms,
Yet they meet him defeated when he dons white.
١٤. كذا الجند منصورٌ بتسويد زيّه
وتلقاهُ مخذولاً إذا هو بيَّضا
15. Far apart are the differences between youth and its opposite -
The youth of the noble one prays when old age moans.
١٥. لشتّانَ ما بين الشباب وضدّه
شبابُ الفتى يُصمي إذا الشيبُ أنبضا
16. This repels all acquired gain,
While that hunts any prey exposed.
١٦. ينفِّرُ هذا كل صيدٍ محصَّلٍ
ويصطادُ هذا كل صيدٍ تعرّضا
17. My lifetime was sweetened by youth,
But when old age whitened my head, it was embittered.
١٧. تحبَّب دهري بالشباب مُلاوةً
فلما أحل الشيبَ رأسي تبغّضا
18. It was as if I had a youth that was stolen from me,
Leaving me deprived of it from time past.
١٨. كأن شباباً كان لي فسُلبتُهُ
كسانيَ منه سالفُ الدهرِ مِعْرضا
19. I will praise the virtues of my youth,
My tongue occupied with it until I breathe my last.
١٩. سأثني بآلاء الشبيبةِ باسِطاً
لساني بها حتى أحينَ فأُقبَضا
20. And I will be preoccupied and tempted by henna, nursing,
A sick youth who deserves to be nursed.
٢٠. وأُعنَى وأُغرى بالخضابِ ممرِّضاً
شباباً مريضاً حقُه أن يُمَرَّضا
21. I swear I see nothing left of my youth
Except a remainder, a substitute that replaces it.
٢١. وأُقسم أني لا أرى من شبيبتي
سوى قاسمٍ مستخلَفاً متعوَّضا
22. One's person - his youth is renewed bounty,
Even if my old age urges me to youth, and so I yield.
٢٢. هو المرء نعماهُ شبابٌ مجدَّدٌ
وإن حث شيبي بالشباب فأوفضا
23. A youth who, since he reached fourteen,
Was agreeable to every venerable and sheltered one.
٢٣. فتىً لم يزل مذ عدَّ عشراً وأربعاً
لكل جليلٍ مرتضىً أو مُربَّضا
24. If God had tried the seas with his generosity,
They would have overflowed with his gifts.
٢٤. لو امتحنَ الله البحارَ بجوده
لأضحتْ وأمست من عطاياه غُيَّضا
25. If his right hand had touched barren rocks,
They would have streamed forth with water bursting out.
٢٥. ولو لمستْ صُمَّ الصخورِ يمينُهُ
لأضحَتْ بسلسالٍ من الماء فيَّضا
26. And if he was compliant to the Sultan's rugged, difficult task,
Let alone being a tender tamer and trainer to him.
٢٦. وإن راض للسلطان خشناءَ صعبةً
فناهيكَ روّاضا به ومروِّضا
27. Whenever an unsheathed sword rebelled, he swung at it,
And the sword is made to clang against a sword.
٢٧. متى سلَّ سيفاً مارقٌ سلَّ رأيَهُ
فقطّعه والسيفُ للسيف يُنتضى
28. Far better than the garden of spring in character
Is he when spring's blossoms wither and are gone.
٢٨. وأحسنُ من روض الربيع خلائقاً
إذا ذهَّبَ النَوْرَ الربيعُ وفضَّضا
29. When people slander a man,
They become humbled at his door.
٢٩. إذا الناس أضحوا ظاعنين عن امرئٍ
نبا بهمُ أضحوا ببابيه خُفَّضا
30. O Qasim, O you who generosity shares his wealth,
Confirm sincerity and affection absolutely pure!
٣٠. أقاسمُ يا من يقسمُ الجودُ ماله
أثِبْ مِدَحاً غرَّاً وودّاً مُمحَّضا
31. Did you not see me willingly lending you affection?
Never before have you seen me refuse to lend to one in need.
٣١. ألم ترني أقرضْتُك الودّ طائِعاً
ولم تر قبلي مُعسراً قط أقرضا
32. Yet no sooner had I shone before being told, in the shade of disfavor,
I had become an object of condemnation exposed.
٣٢. فلم برتُ حتى قيل في ظل سخطةٍ
وأصبحتُ للتَّرحيم نَصباً معرَّضا
33. Why did you not belie who said 'he fails,'
Shaking his head at my hopes in you in rejection?
٣٣. ولمْ لَمْ تُخيِّب ظن من قال خائبٌ
وهزَّ لظنّي فيك رأساً وأنغضا
34. When people spread that you had imprisoned me
And I did not arm myself with consent's armor,
٣٤. إذا ما أشاعَ الناسُ أنْ قد حبسْتني
ولم أتدرّع بينهم خِلعةَ الرضا
35. Then I was afflicted with some of what those who yielded accepted,
Is it yours to erase this doubt entirely?
٣٥. فقد نالني بعضُ الذي رضخُوا به
فهل لك في أن تُرحضَ الشكَّ مَرحضا
36. That is only fitting for you,
Even if my gratitude cannot match your blessings, rising up.
٣٦. وما ذاك إلا بالذي أنتَ أهلهُ
وإن لم يُطق شُكري بنعماك مَنْهضا
37. By my life, you portrayed a shining bright white,
Why do you not show me the face of your favors white?
٣٧. لعمري لقد صوِّرتَ أبيضَ مُشرقاً
فلم لا تُريني وجه نُعماك أبيضا
38. I seek refuge for the softness of your palms from ever being fettered
By stubbornness, and from the time of enmity that has passed.
٣٨. أُعيذ نَدى كفَّيك من أن يعوقه
لجاجٌ ومن قيلِ العدى كان فانقضى
39. Remember praise which if I shook just an iota of it,
It would make the firmly rooted violently quake.
٣٩. تذكَّر مديحاً لو هززتُ لبعضِه
صفاً قاسياً لاهتز منه وروّضا
40. My love gives birth every day and night
To this, a heart that does not cease being in labor.
٤٠. يُمخِّضُ ودي كل يوم وليلةٍ
بذلك صدراً لا يزال ممخّضا
41. And I met you shaken by it as if
I had met you emboldened against me, incited.
٤١. وألقاك مهزوزاً به وكأنما
ألاقيكَ مشحُوذاً عليَّ مُحرَّضا
42. Lost is he who became hateful to you,
Spending his evenings hating your enemies.
٤٢. لقد خابَ من أضحى إليك مُبغَّضاً
وأمسى إلى الأعداء فيك مُبغَّضا
43. Misfortune, poverty, and misery surrounded him,
And with one, how many a heart was softened and blinked away tears!
٤٣. أحاط به شرّان والفقرُ ثالثٌ
وفي واحدٍ ما شفَّ قلباً وأرمضا
44. Yet I was not hated by people of piety,
Nor despised among the generous.
٤٤. على أنني ما كنتُ عند ذوي النُهى
مقيتاً ولا بين الكرام مُرفّضا
45. My heart was almost ripped out by your abandonment,
But I subdued the violent outburst within.
٤٥. وقد كاد قلبي من جفائكَ ينْتزي
ولكنني خفّضتُ جأشاً مخفَّضا
46. Why not, when you emboldened every deceitful one against me,
So each one's sword was unleashed against me.
٤٦. ولم لا وقد جرَّأتَ كل مُضاغنٍ
عليَّ فأضحى سيفُه ليَ مُنتضى
47. And you weakened my pillar against the enemies, leaving me
To those who sought to injure me, a bone crushed.
٤٧. وأوهنْتَ ركني للعدى فتركْتَني
لمن رامني بالضَّيم عظماً مُرضَّضا
48. I used to suppress the enemies before you,
When the hissing serpent would hiss one day.
٤٨. وقد كنتُ للأعداء قبلك مِقمعاً
إذا الحيّةُ النضناضُ يوماً تنضنضا
49. They used to plot harms, but became
Each schemer rushing into folly confused.
٤٩. وكانوا يدبُّون الضَّراء فأصبحوا
وكل مبادٍ يركضُ الغيَّ مَرْكضا
50. So I was forced to beware of them
When, had you supported me, it would not have been imposed.
٥٠. فأصبحت مفروضاً عليّ اتقاؤهم
وما كان لو أعززت نصري ليُفرَضا
51. My master - one despairing of life cried for help,
And the east shone and was cured - then became sick again!
٥١. فيا ويح مولاك استغاث بمشربٍ
فأشرقَ واستشفى شفاءً فأمْرضا
52. Were it not for my conviction that you are all goodness,
I would have bid farewell - God ordain what He ordains.
٥٢. ولولا اعتقادي أنك الخيرُ كله
لأجمعتُ توديعاً قضى الله ما قضى
53. Though circles turn against me,
I will turn away from those who turned from me.
٥٣. وإني وإن دارتْ علي دوائرٌ
لأُعرضُ عمَّن صدَّ عني وأعرَضا
54. I remain pure when provisions become foul through malice,
And a connoisseur when the water becomes bitter.
٥٤. وما زلتُ عزّافاً إذا الزادُ رابني
بخبثٍ وعيّافاً إذا الماءُ عَرْمضا
55. Wondrous that I unleashed my tongue upon you
In captivity - though it remains restrained.
٥٥. ومن عجبٍ أني بسطت بمنطقي
عليك لساناً في الإسارِ مُقبّضا
56. Were it not for hope in you, alive,
My veins would not have stirred, nor been eased of fear.
٥٦. ولولا رجاَءٌ فيك حيٌّ لما غدتْ
عروقي ولا راحت من الخوفِ نُبَّضا
57. Rather, the beastly stranger - my fearing you after
You became a rescuer for the frightened weak!
٥٧. بل العجبُ الوحشيُّ خوفيك بعدما
غدوتَ غياثاً للّهيفِ مُقَيَّضا
58. Closer than delaying rain is its downpour,
Even if the rain returns the thunder and lightens.
٥٨. وماليَ أخشى من عدِمت مَراضعي
من العيش إلا فضلَه المتبرَّضا
59. Wondrous that I demanded you fulfill me
When your face is more deserving to endure and seek fulfillment!
٥٩. لأقربُ من إصعاق غيثٍ غياثُهُ
وإن رجّع الغيثُ الرعودَ وأومضا
60. I looked - had you empowered me with what you possess,
I would not have been compensated from that meeting.
٦٠. ومن عجب أني اقتضيْتك نائلاً
ووجهُك أولى أن يُعانى ويقتضَى
61. Wondrous that I prolong my reproach against you
When you have become the chosen among people!
٦١. نظرتُ فلو ملّكتني ما ملكته
لما كنتُ من ذاك اللقاء معوَّضا
62. I wronged you with complaint while you gave me life
And clothed me in the garment of life loose-fitting.
٦٢. ومن عجب أني أطيلُ تعتُّبي
عليكُ وقد أصبحتَ في الخلق مُرتَضى
63. How often did I brandish the sword's edge against you tyrannically
Yet your palm did not detach and strike me down!
٦٣. ظلمتُك بالشكوى وأنت انتعشتني
وألبستني ثوبَ الحياة مفضفَضا
64. Out of shyness, forbearance, and rising above
What would have produced enmity, a crop harvested.
٦٤. وكم رمتُ حدّ السيف منك تسلُّطاً
عليك فلم تَنقُضْ بيَ الكفُّ مَنْقضا
65. To a master who often overlooked and closed his eyes.
I will surrender all my affairs to your custody,
٦٥. حياءً وحلماً واعتلاءً عن التي
يكون الجنَى منها بناناً معضَّضا
66. And the like of me to justice like yours delegates.
Still your gaze ascends the heights from you
٦٦. وها أنا من ذنبي وعتبيَ تائبٌ
إلى سيدٍ كم غَضَّ عنّي وغمّضا
67. If you wish, it may come from you, lowered modestly.
Below you - from a poet thankful to you
٦٧. سأسْلم تفويضي إليك بأسره
ومثلي إلى عدلٍ كعدلك فوَّضا
68. Though he agitated the noble and pure tents.
Able - if he wishes clarity, he attains it,
٦٨. وما زلتَ تسمو للعلا منك نظرةٌ
إذا شئتَ كانت منك طرفاً مغضَّضا
69. And if precision, he refines and makes obscure.
If his path is desolation, he sees in you a caring shepherd
٦٩. ودُونَكها من شاعرٍ لك شاكرٍ
وإن حرّك الخِيمَ الكريم وحضَّضا
70. Seeing clearly what he must watch closely and directly.
And if his path is hopes, he sees in you a rain cloud
٧٠. قديرٍ متى شاء الإبانَة نالها
وإن شاء تدقيقاً أدقّ وأغمضا
71. Offering its blessing, and bursting forth.
No merit increases in you by praise gaining prominence,
٧١. إذا سُمته هجراً رأى بك راعياً
بصيراً بما يرعى أخلَّ وأحمضا
72. Rather, it is like musk encountering one who kneads.
For you - remembrance, the only purity, all of it,
٧٢. وإن سُمته مطلاً رأى بك عارضاً
من الغيثِ ألقى بَرْكه وتمخَّضا
73. If a mouth one day murmurs it in ablution.
When mouths are devoid due to ignorant base praise,
٧٣. وما ازدادَ فضلٌ فيك بالمدح شهرةً
بل كان مثل المسك صادفَ مِخْوَضا
74. They do not become adorned through praising you.
You who are all purity when the ignorant chatter,
٧٤. لك الذِّكَرُ اللاتي هي الطُّهرُ كله
إذا ما فمٌ يوم بهن تمضمضا
75. As if a mouth murmuring your name gargled.
٧٥. إذا حاضت الأفواه من مدح جاهلٍ
لئيمٍ فما أضحت بمدحك حُيَّضا