1. His call spread, so he followed it
With another call, and the scoundrel had a view
١. شاعتْ له دعوةٌ فأتبعها
بدعوةٍ واللئيمُ ذو نظرِ
2. When he claimed to be a father, it was allowed for him
The sweetness of victory confused him
٢. لما ادعى والداً فجاز لهُ
تَداخلَته حلاوةُ الظفر
3. So he chose a girl, so that he would have
Like her clan, a connection to vice
٣. فاختار بنتاً لكي يكونَ لهُ
كَعْثبها وُصْلةً إلى الكَمر
4. He claims she is his daughter, and I swear by God
Thorny is more deserving of her than humans
٤. يزعمها بنتَهُ وأُقسم لل
شوكيُّ أولى بها من البشر