
My tears did not deter fate's determination,

ما مدمعي حذر النوى بقريح

1. My tears did not deter fate's determination,
So leave the raven to caw each cry.

١. ما مَدْمَعي حَذرَ النَّوى بقريحِ
فدعِ الغُرابَ يَصِيحُ كلَّ مَصيحِ

2. My preoccupation is with praising him who, though he claims,
My eulogy corrects his claim.

٢. شُغْلي بإطراءِ الذي مَهْمَا ادَّعَى
مُطْرِيهِ أعربَ عنه بالتَّصْحيحِ

3. I mean him named with the name of the most truthful promising one,
A promise slaughtered by God - the best slaughtered.

٣. أعني المُسَمَّى باسم أصدقِ واعِدٍ
وَعْداً ذَبيحَ الله خَيْرَ ذبيحِ

4. To God is Ismael, the debate of writing,
I mean the brother of Shayban not the son of Sabeeh.

٤. للّه إسماعيلُ جِدلُ كتَابَةٍ
أعني أخا شَيْبَان لا ابن صَبيحِ

5. He carried burdens so he gained independence, and the like of him
Carried burdens other than the exhausted.

٥. حمل الفَوادحَ فاستقلَّ ومثْلُه
حمل الفوادح غَيْر ذي تَبليحِ

6. It did not harm that he made writing his career,
If his origin was in the land of Sheeh.

٦. ما ضرَّ من زمَّ الكتابةَ زَمَّةً
أن كان مَنْبتُهُ بأرض الشِّيحِ

7. It did not harm him that his offspring were not
Date palms pollinated by those of pollination.

٧. ما ضرَّه أن لم تكن سَمُرَاتُهُ
نَخْلاً يُلَقِّحُهُ ذوو التلقيحِ

8. He relieved the helpless, so he began
With gentleness and stroking.

٨. حَلَّ العِصَاب عن الذين يليهُمُ
وأدَرَّ بالإبْساسِ والتَّمْسيحِ

9. And gave relief to the people of redemption, so their
Raids became safe at dawn.

٩. وأراحَ من أهل الفداء فأصبحتْ
غاراتُهم مأمُونَةَ التصبيحِ

10. Except he removes the illness of the subjects with his justice,
So nothing of it remains with them.

١٠. إلَّا يُزِحْ عِلَلَ الرَّعيَّةِ عَدْلُهُ
فيهمْ فما شَيْءٌ لها بمُزيحِ

11. His imam and prince tested him,
Yet he found both to be truly advising.

١١. ولقدْ بلاَهُ إمامُهُ وأميرُه
فكلاهما ألْفَاهُ حَقَّ نَصيحِ

12. And he saw him not forget loyalty despite
Severity that makes one forget loyalty, and not due to apathy.

١٢. وأراهُ لا يِنْسى الوفاءَ لشدةٍ
تُنْسي الوفاءَ ولا لفتْرَةِ ريحِ

13. How many deadly blows, but how many fatal stabs,
And how many deathly shots.

١٣. كم ضربةٍ رَعْلاَءَ بل كم طعنةٍ
نجلاء بل كم رَمْيَةٍ إذْبيحِ

14. His palms warded off from his imam
In the shade of a day lethal for palms.

١٤. خطرتْ بها كفَّاهُ دون إمامِه
في ظلِّ يوْمٍ للأكفِّ مُطيحِ

15. Ask regarding this the war of the Guided one,
And its ferocious camels of butting and goring.

١٥. سائل بذلك عَنْه حربَ المهتدِي
وكباشَهَا من ناطح ونطيحِ

16. So let it inform you of the brave plunging,
And let it inform you of the quick stabbing.

١٦. فلتخبرنَّك عن جِلاَدِ مُغَامِسٍ
ولتخبرنَّك عن طِرَادِ مُشِيحِ

17. And let it inform you of the eager struggle
For Yathrib - what great ambition.

١٧. ولتخبرنَّك عن نضال مُطَمَّح
باليَثْربيَّة أيَّما تطميحِ

18. When he incites the arrows with his bow,
Their snakes pour out deadly hisses.

١٨. ممن إذا حَفَزَ السهامَ بِقوسه
فَحَّتْ أفاعِيهنَّ أيَّ فحيحِ

19. He gave ugliness its right from another,
And sufficed to fight death - every gasping.

١٩. أعطى الكريهَةَ حقَّها عَنْ غيْرِهِ
وكفَى كِفَاحَ الموتِ كُلَّ كَفِيحِ

20. And war grows fierce with swords bared,
Evidence to the letters of no beauty.

٢٠. والحربُ تَعْذِمُ بالسيوف مُدِلَّةً
دَلّاً على الخُطَّابِ غيرَ مَلِيحِ

21. Difficult when a mate becomes difficult for him
Until she allows what allowance she allows.

٢١. صَعْبٍ إذا صَعُبَتْ عليه قرينةٌ
حَتَّى تُسمِّحَ أيَّمَا تسميحِ

22. So when the mate allowed, he did not show her
A manner from manners other than honorable.

٢٢. فإذا القرينةُ سَمَّحَتْ لمْ يُولِها
خُلُقْاً من الأخلاَقِ غيرَ سجيحِ

23. His hands were created - a hand to wound the enemies
And a hand to dress the wound of every wounded.

٢٣. خُلِقَتْ يداه يَدٌ لتجرَحَ في العدا
ويدٌ لِتَأْسُوَ جُرْحَ كُلِّ جريحِ

24. And if he opines an opinion - the most insightful
Insight, and the furthest in its scope.

٢٤. وإذا ارْتأى رَأياً فأثْقَبُ ناِظرٍ
نظراً وأبْعَدُهُ مَدَى تطريحِ

25. Divination reveals to him the unseen secrets
Suggested by dreams like the dreams of the truthful.

٢٥. تُبدِي له سِرَّ الغُيوُبِ كَهَانةٌ
يوُحِي بها رِئْيٌ كَرِئْيِ سطيحِ

26. His instinct surpassed experiences, so his nature
Sufficed without refinement.

٢٦. سَبَقَتْ بحُنْكتِهِ التجارِبَ فطرةٌ
كالشَّوكَةِ اسْتَغْنَتْ عن التنقيحِ

27. If not for Abu Al-Saqr Al-Faseeh in manners,
The spacious earth would be other than spacious.

٢٧. لو لا أبُو الصقر الفسيحُ خَلائِقاً
أضحى فَسِيحُ الأرض غيرَ فسيحِ

28. It welcomed him over its inhabitants
After it had been like a burial ground.

٢٨. رحُبَتْ به الدنيا على سُكَّانِها
من بعدما كانت كَخَطِّ ضريحِ

29. Easy, gentle, soft hands,
Easy pardon, loud voice.

٢٩. طَلْقُ المُحَيِّا واليدين سَمَيْدَعٌ
سَهْلُ المَبَاءَةِ ذو عِراضٍ فِيحِ

30. Shyness weakened his eyelids and speech
So he became outwardly healthy but inwardly sick.

٣٠. نَهَكَ الحياءُ جُفُونَهُ وكلامَهُ
فغدا مريضاً في ثيابِ صحيحِ

31. Not of low worldly pleasures, but he is
Generous without taste or seasoning.

٣١. لا من قِراف دَنيَّةٍ لكنه
كرم بلا مَذْق ولا تضييحِ

32. His bright face appears to the asker
As if a sword in a graceful palm.

٣٢. تبدُو لسائله صَفيحَةُ وجهه
وكأنها سَيْفٌ بِكَفِّ مُلِيحِ

33. And as if in it is the stimulation of delight
From coffee that loosens the waistband.

٣٣. وكأنَّ فيهِ أرْيَحِيَّةَ نَشْوَةٍ
من قهْوَةٍ تُرْخي الإِزارَ قَدِيحِ

34. He extols virtues after easiness, he
Buys its impurities with any profit.

٣٤. أعلى المحامدَ بعد رُخْصٍ إنه
يبْتاعُ كاسدها بِكُلِّ ربيحِ

35. A merchant of generosity in magnanimity,
His trade is too lofty for bartering.

٣٥. بذل الكرائمَ في المكارم تاجِرٌ
جَلَّتْ تجارَتُهُ عن التَّرْقِيحِ

36. A protector whose reality a bestower makes public his wealth -
Not to mention one who protects and makes public.

٣٦. حَامٍ حَقِيقَتَهُ مُبِيحٌ مَالَهُ
ناهيكَ من حام به ومُبيحِ

37. He gives spontaneously without stinginess,
To a cheeky one of noble lineage yet miserly.

٣٧. يعطي اللَّهَا إعطاءَ سمْحٍ باللُّهَا
لَحزٍ على الحَسَبِ التَّلِيدِ شحيحِ

38. Except that the course of time makes his wealth incline
At times he inclines it without any incliner.

٣٨. إلّا يُتِحْ صَرْفُ الزمان لمالِهِ
حَيْناً يُتِحْهُ دونَ كل مُتيح

39. The thirst quenchers became - through his generosity -
Overfilled, their sides spilling over.

٣٩. أضحت حِيَاضُ المُعْطِشينَ بجوده
فَهَفَتْ جَوَانِبُها من التَّطْفِيح

40. They returned to his springs so they wiped off and quenched their thirst
From them - the sweetest and most gratifying drink.

٤٠. وردوا مناهِلَه فَمَاحُوا واسْتَقَوْا
منهنّ أعذبَ مُسْتقىً وَمُمِيحِ

41. If he marked the gardens with his generosity,
Their orchards would be safe from plunder.

٤١. لو أنه وَسَمَ الرياضَ بجودِهِ
أَمِنَتْ حَدائِقُها من التَّصْوِيحِ

42. Of lunar beauty and human handsomeness -
That makes mouths pronounce the declaration of faith.

٤٢. ذو صُورَةٍ قَمَريَّةٍ بَشَرِيَّةٍ
تَسْتَنْطِقُ الأفواهَ بالتسبيح

43. And if he contemplates himself, he does not stop
At depicting and adorning himself.

٤٣. وإذا تأمَّلَ نَفْسَه لمْ يقْتَصِرْ
منها على التصوير والتَّشْبِيحِ

44. Until he adorns it with the decoration of glory
That is not a crown or jewelry.

٤٤. حتى يُزَيِّنَهَا بزينةِ ماجدٍ
ليست بتطويقٍ ولا توشيحِ

45. His beauty dazzled so he truthfully swore
To not expose it to vilification.

٤٥. بَرَعَتْ محاسِنُه فَأقْسَمَ صادقاً
أنْ لا يُعَرِّضَهُنَّ للتّقْبِيحِ

46. But to vaguely hint to the bashful ladies,
To reveal their wrists with that hinting.

٤٦. لكن لِتَلْويح الهَواجِرِ طالباً
إسْفَارَهُنَّ بذلك التلويح

47. He keeps sending his desires to them
And startling their sayers with pretense of departure.

٤٧. ما زال يبعث بالعُطاس ركابه
ويروع قائلهنَّ بالترويحِ

48. And every purpose guides determination,
And the purpose of the generous is far reaching.

٤٨. وتقود كلَّ نَوَى شَطُون هِمَّةٌ
ونوى الكريم بعيدةُ التَطْويحِ

49. Until he wore the garb of authority as a youth,
And so those of nomination nominated him for that.

٤٩. حتى تَعَمَّمَ بالسيادة ناشئاً
ولِذَاك رشَّحَهُ ذوو الترشيحِ

50. He loved knowledge and it loved him, so it is as if
He fulfilled the love of the beloved of the son of Dhareeh.

٥٠. عَشِقَ العلا وَعَشِقْنَهُ فكأنما
وافى هوى لُبْنَى هوى ابن ذَرِيحِ

51. And the supreme pen gifted him determination
That refused the pens - all of them flexing.

٥١. وَهَبَتْ له القلمَ المُعلّى هِمَّةٌ
رَفَضتْ من الأقلام كلَّ مَنِيحِ

52. I did not praise him for a fault I found
In his glory, so I corrected it with eulogy.

٥٢. لم أمتدحه لِخلَّةٍ ألفَيْتُهَا
في مجده فَسَدَدْتُهَا بمَدِيحِ

53. But so that the beauty of his description manifests,
My poetry beautifies every ugliness.

٥٣. لكنْ لكْي تَزْهى محاسنُ وصْفِهِ
شعري فيحسُنَ منه كلُّ قبيحِ

54. I scented my poetry with his name - his name
In poetry is like perfume and glorification.

٥٤. حَبَّرْتُ شعري باسمه إنَّ اسمَهُ
في الشِّعْر كالتَّحْبير والتسبيحِ

55. When I saw poetry become languid,
I awakened it with a witty youth.

٥٥. لما رأيتُ الشعرَ أصبحَ خاملاً
نَبَّهْتُه بفتى أغرَّ صريحِ

56. The caravan does not beat the hills toward him,
But with his name they spur on every hill.

٥٦. لاّ يَضْربُ الركبُ الطلائحَ نحوَهُ
بل باسمه يُزْجونَ كلَّ طَليحِ

57. The riders are challenged by mentioning him, so you see
The pebbles between manjul and burial.

٥٧. تُحْدَى الرِّكابُ بذكره فترى الحصَى
منْ بين مَنْجُول وبين ضَريحِ

58. And every lazy one shakes his shoulders
Agitated like the intoxicated shaking.

٥٨. وَيَهُزُّ كلُّ مُبَلَّدٍ أَعْطافَه
طَرَباً كفعل الشَّارب المِرِّيحِ

59. After the ends of his mind were picked
And his brain cells withered from burning.

٥٩. مِنْ بعد ما انْتُقيتْ أواخِرُ مُخِّه
وَخَوتْ مَحَاجرُهُ من التقديحِ

60. Trusting in a sword from him that nothing stops
No matter what presents itself of easy or calamity.

٦٠. ثِقَةً بِسَيْبٍ منه ليس يعوقُهُ
مهما جرى من سَانح وبريحِ

61. A king - if needs tighten their reins
And seek refuge with him for quick relief.

٦١. مَلِكٌ إذا الْحاجاتُ شدَّ عِقَالُهَا
وَثقَتْ لديه بعاجل التسريحِ

62. Of what you see time produces
For an obtaining before asking - success.

٦٢. مِمَّا تراه الدهْرَ يُصْدر وارداً
عن نَائلٍ قَبْلَ السؤال نجيحِ

63. O you - if allusion greets your hearing
The eloquent are satisfied with it over clarification.

٦٣. يا من إذا التَّعْريضُ صافح سَمْعَهُ
غَنِي العُفاةُ به عن التصريحِ

64. I complain to you of reticence and mannerism
That detached from me - what detachment.

٦٤. أشْكُو إليك خَصَاصَةً وتَجَمُّلاً
قَدْ بَرَّحَا بي أَيمَا تبريحِ

65. To protect my face from faces censured
With refusal - protection over protection.

٦٥. لتَصُونَ وَجْهِي عَن وُجُوهٍ وُقِّحتْ
بالرَّدِّ تَوْقيحاً على توقيحِ

66. Asked though they asked, so in their pages
Is distress over distress for refusal.

٦٦. سُئِلَتْ وقد سَالتْ ففي صفحاتها
لِلرَّدِّ تَكْدِيحٌ على تكديحِ

67. O you who gave rest to the estranged poetry that
Without you every comforter estranged it.

٦٧. يا مَنْ أراحَ عَوَازِبَ الشِّعْرِ التي
لَوْلاَهُ أعْزَبَهُنَّ كلُّ مُرِيحِ

68. You made our confused eloquent, so he became a poet,
And you loaned our foreigner an eloquent tongue.

٦٨. أنطَقْتَ مُفْحَمَنَا فأصبح شاعراً
وأَعَرْتَ أَعْجَمَنَا لسانَ فصيحِ

69. Confused, so you opened eloquence to men, so they are all
Of smooth, fluent speech - eased.

٦٩. بِلُهاً فتحْنَ لُهَا الرجالِ فَكُلُّهُمْ
ذو منطقٍ سَلِسٍ عليه سَرِيح

70. You revived dead poetry after its writhing
In the sands under plaited palm leaves and pebbles.

٧٠. أَحْيَيْتَ ميْتَ الشِّعْر بعدَ ثَوَائِهِ
في الرَّمْسِ تحت جنادلٍ وصفيحِ

71. Until people said about you and exaggerated:
"This is the Messiah" - if not the Messiah.

٧١. حتى لَقال الناسُ فيكَ فأكثروا
هذا المسيح وَلاَتَ حينَ مَسِيحِ