
O you who find fault with our land as zealous,

يا من يعيب لدينا الراح مجتهدا

1. O you who find fault with our land as zealous,
You spoke ill though did well in deed,

١. يا مَنْ يعيبُ لدينا الراحَ مجتهداً
أسأتَ قولاً وقد أحسنْتَ في العملِ

2. You left it preferring the most generous in it,
And found fault in it, a fault of ignorance and folly,

٢. تركْتَها مُؤثراً للأكرمينَ بها
وعبتَها عيبَ ذي جهلٍ وذي خطلِ

3. So make amends with praise and blame you deserve,
As you have mingled what you poured with honey and vinegar,

٣. فبُؤْ بحمدٍ وذمّ تستحقُّهما
كما خَلَطْتَ الذي أسْدَيتَ بالعذلِ

4. You were but as one who waded into his glory
Adding some bitterness to a drink of honey.

٤. ما كنتَ إلا كساقٍ خاضَ مِجْدَحُه
شوباً من الصابِ في شربٍ من العسلِ