
O Khaled, son of the immortal,

يا خالد ابن الخالدات

1. O Khaled, son of the immortal,
You acted shamefully, though you are pure

١. يا خالدَ ابن الخالدا
ت مخازياً لا درَّ مَحْضُكْ

2. Say farewell, for you are close
To departing while your purpose remains tied

٢. ودّعْ فإنَّك قدْ دنا
منك الرحيلُ وشُدَّ غَرْضُكْ

3. I will make you walk the country
For what you did and long has been your disgrace

٣. لأسيّرَنَّك في البلا
دِ بِما أقَمْتَ وطال خَفْضُك

4. And I will line your eyes with praise
For your sleep and rest while closed was your eye

٤. ولأكحُلَنَّك بالسُّها
دِ بما رقدْت وطاب غُمضُك

5. You insulted me and thought me
One who would lose to you what he loaned

٥. أهجوْتَني وحسِبتني
ممَّن يضيعُ لديه قرضُك

6. You were wrong in your judgement, O son
Of harlots, while high was your horse

٦. أخطأت في التقدير يا اب
نَ المومسات وعال فرضُك

7. Which of the tribes can be censured
With insults when your honor is attacked?

٧. أيُّ القبائلِ يُنتحَى
بالشتم حين يُسبُّ عرضُك

8. Neither of them, and how can that be
When you are but one of all people?

٨. لا أيُّهنَّ وكيف ذا
ك ومِنْ جميع الناس بعضُك

9. Do not let your eyes wander in longing
For if you had sense, long would be your chastity

٩. لا تسْمُ عينُك في العيو
ن فلو عقلتَ لطال غضُّك

10. Did that one and this one come to you
Tall among men? And that is your honor?

١٠. أتناك ذاك وذاك طو
لك في الرجال وذاك عرضُك

11. If you were to shake the dust off your brow
Long would be your dignity

١١. لو كنْتَ تنفُضُ عارِضي
كَ من التُّرابِ لطال نَفْضُك

12. Glory to the devil who ridicules you
And that is your worthlessness

١٢. سبحان شيطانٍ يُسَخْ
خِر نائكيك وذاك بُفْضُك

13. If I were not bound by covenant
I would chastise whoever belittles you

١٣. لو كنت ما خُتم الرحي
قُ به لعُنّفَ مَنْ يَفُضُّك

14. With the darkness of ash-Shawki
You will get from me what will rouse you

١٤. بظلامةِ الشوكيّ نا
لك من عِقابي ما يَهُضُّك

15. So come out to claim your right
And flee, perhaps your running will save you

١٥. فاخْرُجْ له من حَقّه
وأنِبْ عسى يُنجيك ركْضُك

16. The seeds are ash-Shawki's
Not yours, though the land is your land

١٦. البذْرُ للشَّوْكيِّ غَيْ
رَ مدافَعٍ والأرضُ أرضُك

17. You defended his daughter
While rape fills your grip

١٧. دافعْتَه عن بِنْته
والغصْبُ ما يحويه قبضُك

18. So you could fool around with her
When you grew up and melted was your timidity

١٨. كي تستهبّ بها الفحو
ل إذا كَبِرْتَ وذاب نَحْضُك

19. A sickness took hold in your mind
Before you matured and stood tall

١٩. داء تمكَّن في عجا
نِك قبل أن يشتدَّ نهضُك

20. Do not make excuses for what you did
That was ugly, for it came from you

٢٠. لا تعتذر مما أتيْ
تَ من القبيح فمنك رُبْضُك

21. The shame is yours and you are of it
So no shame will erase you

٢١. العارُ منك وأنت من
هُ فليس من عار يمضُّك

22. Patience, you will know which
Froth speaks for your purity

٢٢. صبراً ستعْلَمُ أيّما
زُبْدٍ يُصَرّح عنه مَحْضُك

23. In which pretender
Misguided you, O deluded one, his rebuke

٢٣. في أيّما مُتورَّدٍ
دلّاكَ يا مغرورُ دحْضُك