
The care is not known with certainty

ليس يستيقن العناية مشفوع

1. The care is not known with certainty
To someone until he is guided to it

١. ليس يستَيقِنُ العناية مشفُو
عٌ إليه حتى يُدَلَّ عليها

2. And the evidence of care is urging and motivating
In the need that is indicated to it

٢. ودليلُ العناية الحَثُّ والتَّحْ
ريكُ في الحاجة المُشارِ إليها

3. So pursue apologizing and desist from blaming
As long as you are rising to the heights and aiming for them

٣. فَتَوخَّ الإعذارَ واعلُ عن التعْ
ذير لا زلت للعُلى ولديها

4. And it is right that no soul be frightened
That has attached its hands to your robe one day

٤. وحقيقٌ ألا تُروَّعَ نفسٌ
أعلَقَتْ في ذراك يوماً يديها