1. His company I never lack, its loss brings me no ease,
For it's a blessing among other boons and joys.
١. ومُسمعٍ لا عدمْتُ فُرقَتَهُ
فإنها نعمةٌ من النعمِ
2. My day seems long when he's apart, as though
I'm fasting but forgot the fast's decrees.
٢. يطولُ يومي إذا قُرِنْتُ به
كأنني صائمٌ ولم أصُمِ
3. When entertained, I check his mirth lest he in joy exceed,
And hold the flowing stream of talk in rein.
٣. إذا تغنَّى النديمُ ذكَّرهُ
أخْذَ السياق الحثيثِ بالكظمِ
4. He opens not his mouth except with toil, as if
It gaped but for the hugest mouthful's gain.
٤. يفتحُ فاهُ من الجهادِ كما
يفْتَح فاهُ لأعظم اللُّقمِ
5. His circle is the rally of delights, no scanty fare,
No feast of sorrows, griefs, regrets, and pain.
٥. مجلسه مأتمُ اللذاذاتِ وال
قَصْفِ وعُرسُ الهموم والسَّدمِ
6. He chants when he arrives: "Be glad, though far from kin,
Homesick, heartsore, you pined in loneliness vain!"
٦. ينشدنا اللهو عند طلعته
من أوحشتْه البلاد لم يقمِ
7. As long as I behold him there I seem to sip
My wine-cup mixed with blood-drops from my veins.
٧. كأنني طولَ ما أُشاهِدُهُ
أشربُ كأسي ممزوجةً بدمي
8. When met two hours he makes old covenants new
Which time destroys not, though it rends the chain.
٨. تشهدُه فرْطَ ساعتين فيُنْ
سِيكَ عهوداً لم تُؤْتَ من قِدمِ
9. He shows whate'er you knew in bygone terms is naught,
The least of things in days and years of bane.
٩. يُريكَ ما قد عَهِدْتَ في أمسك ال
أدنى كشيءٍ في سالِفِ الأُمَمِ
10. His comradeship is fortune's gift, that blesses life
But for the swift-paced steed that brings old age's wane.
١٠. عِشرتُهُ عشرةٌ تُبارك في ال
أعمارِ لولا تعجُّلُ الهرمِ
11. When boon-companions hail him for a space, their talk
Turns ever to regrets and grief and pain.
١١. إذا الندامى دعوْهُ آونةً
تنادموا كأسهم على ندمِ
12. Till eve we converse, then he asks, "Shall morning light
Once more the house with all therein again?"
١٢. نبردُ حتى يظلَّ يُنشِدنا
هل بالديار الغداةَ من صممِ
13. He craves a draught, and when 'tis said, "You've done us well,"
His folk smile blandly though with rage they're fain.
١٣. يستطعمُ الشربَ أن يقال لهُ
أحسنْتَ والقومُ منه في وَكمِ
14. How feign them pleasure in hypocrisy, how pretend,
When nature's self is fused in their disdain?
١٤. وكيفَ للقوْم بالتَّصنُّع لا
كيفَ ولو صُوِّروا من الكَرمِ
15. Dislike appears upon his face as though a blot
Of soot had marred its brightness' sheen and stain.
١٥. تظهرُ في وجهه إساءتُه
كأنّها مَسْحةٌ من الحُمَمِ
16. Naught have I tasted, but to hold my peace near him
Is worse than poison's burning in my brain.
١٦. يسْوَدُّ من قُبْحِ ما يجيء به
حتّى كأنْ قد أُسِفَّ بالفحمِ
17. When comes the call to prayer, relief rewards our pain,
As 'twere to one long racked repose made plain.
١٧. ما ذُقْتُ شيئاً ولستُ ذائقه
أوقَعَ من صَمْتِه على القرمِ
18. He chants in voice offensive to the hearer's soul,
Praise God who fashioned Man from clotted strain!
١٨. نرتاح منه إلى الأذان كما
يرتاح ذو شُقَّةٍ إلى علمِ
19. He bursts in rough uncouthly rhymed lines that appall,
Like braying discord in a monkish train.
١٩. يشدو بصَوْتٍ يسوءُ سامِعَهُ
تبارك اللَّهُ بارئُ النسمِ
20. His chant a choking grief, his tremulousness like the bleat
Of silly camels in a mourning train.
٢٠. أبحَّ فيه شُذور حَشرجةٍ
منظومةٍ في مقاطعِ النغمِ
21. Had it but hallowed God of Might, the Speaking One
Ne'er raised the goodly Word man's creed to gain.
٢١. نَبْرتُهُ غُصَّةٌ وهِزَّتُهُ
مثلُ نبيب التيوسِ في الغنمِ
22. It terrifies the children small when some poor brat
Falls weeping, since he slept not, as 'twere slain.
٢٢. لو قُدِّسَ اللَّهُ ذو الجلال به
لم يرفعِ اللَّهُ طيِّب الكلِمِ
23. My heart is flint when hearing him, though dear ones sigh
And greet his cruelty with tear and rain.
٢٣. يُفزَّع الصبية الصغارُ به
إذا بكى بعضهُم ولم ينمِ
24. I swear by God who hath no like, no match, no peer,
'Tis naught but surfeit of God's boons of bane!
٢٤. يقسو له القلبُ حين يسمعُه
على أحِبَّائهِ بلا جرَمِ
25. None hath God shown before him who so lacked all good,
No dearth of bounty like his ban and bane!
٢٥. أحلفُ باللَّهِ لا شريكَ له
فإنها غايةٌ من القسمِ
٢٦. ما عرَّفَ اللَّهُ قبلهُ أحداً
ما فَضْلُ نعمائهِ على النقمِ