
I have tasted the flavors of people, even if

بلوت طعوم الناس حتى لو انني

1. I have tasted the flavors of people, even if
I had found them sweeter in taste than honey

١. بلوْتُ طُعُوم الناس حتى لو اَنَّني
وجدتُهُمُ أحْلَى مذاقاً من الشَّهدِ

2. It is time for me to leave them and tire of them
So how, when I have not found in them a sensible brother

٢. لَقَدْ آن أن أسْلاهُمُ وأملَّهمْ
فكيف وما لاقيتُ منهم أخا رشْدِ

3. And how, when I have tried types of them
Experiences that make the soul inclined to detachment from them

٣. وكيف وقد جرَّبتُ من طبقاتهم
تَجَاريبَ تدعو النفس فيهم إلى الزهد