
I will leave, O Asma, the home of a people

سأرحل يا أسماء عن دار معشر

1. I will leave, O Asma, the home of a people
Whose generosity with moral customs is like a preventer.

١. سأرحل يا أسماء عن دار معشر
جوادهم بالعرف معط كمانعِ

2. He gives with the generosity of one who is self-obligated,
Beware of rhymes, hating those besides obedient.

٢. يجود به جود المُقَضّي بنفسه
حذار القوافي كارهاً غير طائعِ

3. To a king who does not possess the stinginess of his money,
And does not know his good deed through pretexts.

٣. إلى ملك لا يملك البخل ماله
ولا يدَّري معروفَه بالذرائع

4. One who is generous with it from a natural generosity,
Reliefs that hasten choosing skills.

٤. جواد به من أريحيَّة جوده
تباريح يعجلن اختيار الصنائع

5. Of people who are not praised for their giving,
But they give a natural generosity.

٥. من القوم لا يستحمدون ببذلهم
ولكنهم يعطون جود طبائع

6. If they traded, they would not toy with trade,
Nor would those gentle hearts be fooled by a deceiver.

٦. ولو تاجروا لم يعبثوا بتجارة
ولا انخدعت تلك الحلوم لخادع

7. I see their glory like mountains, for they
Are God's creation, as the glory of skills.

٧. أرى مجدهم مثل الجبال فإنها
بُنَى اللهِ إذ مجد الورى كالصنائع