1. Passion has wearied of you after so long,
And he who pursues you has awoken from its torment.
ูก. ููู ุงูููู ุจู ุจุนุฏ ุทูู ูุฌููููู
ูุฃูุงู ู
ู ููุญุงู ู
ู ุชุนูููููู
2. And it may please you that his noble moon trembles
The moon of women with the shaking of his rod.
ูข. ูููุฏ ูุฑููู ุจุงุฑุชุฌุงุฌ ูุจููู
ุฑ ุงููุณุงุก ูุจุงูุชุฒุงุฒ ูุถููููู
3. The ugliness of passion has been condemned by the King of Heaven, yet
It remains a religion that makes the strong submit to the weak.
ูฃ. ููุจุญู ุงูููู ู
ููู ุงูุณู
ุงุก ููู
ุฏูููุงู ูุฏูู ูููู ูุถุนููู
4. And youth pursued me after old age, for it is
A way that shows you the free behind the slave.
ูค. ููุญุง ุงูุตููุจุง ุจุนุฏ ุงูู
ุดูุจ ูุฅูู
ุดุฃูู ูุฑูู ุงูุญุฑูู ุฎููู ูุตููู
5. O my neighbor, the whiteness of my couch has perished me
And its luster with its blackness and its softness.
ูฅ. ูุง ุฌุงุฑุชู ุฃูุฏู ุจูุงุถู ู
ูุจุฑููู ุจุณูุงุฏู ูุฑูููู
6. And gray hair is a guest who does not cease to be charged
With foolishness and hardship for its host.
ูฆ. ูุงูุดูุจ ุถูู ูุงูุฒุงู ู
ุนูููุฉู ูู
ุณุงุกุฉู ูู
7. And I see my figure become bent in its bowing,
And softness can penetrate in its twisting.
ูง. ูุฃุฑู ููุงู
ู ูุฌ ูู ุชูููุณู
ูููุฏ ููุฌ ุงูููู ูู ุชุนุทููู
8. If the whiteness of gray hair and its grayness protect me
From the whiteness of youth and its madness.
ูจ. ุฅู ูุญู
ูู ุจูุถ ุงูู
ุดูุจ ูุดูุจู
ุฑุนุงู ู
ู ุจูุถ ุงูุดุจุงุจ ููููู
9. Or if time matches me, having tasted its milk,
For it had matched me, pouring from its milky bowl.
ูฉ. ุฃู ููุฑูู ุฏูุฑู ู
ุฐููู ุญููุจู
ูููุฏ ูุฑุงูู ู
ู ููุฑููู ุณุฏููู
10. Comfortable as water that heals the diseased
With its healing, and heals like its dripping.
ูกู . ูู
ู ูุงูู
ุงุก ูุดูู ุฐุง ุงูุตุฏู
ูุดูุงุฆู ููุดููู ู
ุซู ุดูููู
11. One whose fragrance of wine is good
And the traveler of its drinker and the walking of its pouring.
ูกูก. ู
ู ูู ุญุณู ุงูุฑุญูู ูุทูุจู
ุฑุงุญู ุดุงุฑุจูู ูู
ุดูู ุชุฑููู
12. You find the fruits of apples in its gardens
And you see the fruits of grapes in its plucking.
ูกูข. ุชููู ุฌูู ุงูุชูุงุญ ูู ูุฌูุงุชู
ูุชุฑู ุฌูู ุงูุนููุงุจ ูู ุชุทุฑููู
13. I have enjoyed with it my hearing and my beddings
With the scattering of its pearls and the water of its pavement.
ูกูฃ. ู
ุชููุนุชู ู
ูู ู
ุนู ูู
ุจูุซูุฑ ูุคูุคููู ูู
ุงุก ุฑุตููู
14. My hearing was saturated with its composition
The two verses of Ziyad in the falling of its cascade.
ูกูค. ุฑููุช ุณุงู
ุนุชู ู
ู ุชุฑุฌูุนู
ุจูุชููู ุฒูุงุฏู ูู ุณููุท ูุตููู
15. And I began to sip its saliva from its mouth
Until I cured the burning of passion with its sipping.
ูกูฅ. ูุทููุช ุฃุฑุดู ุฑููู ุนู ุซุบุฑู
ุญุชู ุดููุช ุฌูู ุงูููู ุจุฑุดููู
16. So now instead of his awakening from his madness
Oh, the length of his estrangement with his abandonment.
ูกูฆ. ูุงูุขู ุจุฏู ุตุญูู ู
ู ูููู
ูุงู ูุทูู ุนุฒููู ุจุนุฒููู
17. Where is the breeze of his breeze for one grayed?
Where is his warbling for him from his singing?
ูกูง. ุฃูููู ูุฐู ุดูุจ ูุณูู
ู ูุณูู
ุฃูู ูู ุงูุชุชุฑูู ู
ู ุชูุฒููู
18. Time has copied nonsense with wisdom
So the wise of mind came without the foolish.
ูกูจ. ูุณุฎ ุงูุฒู
ุงู ุณุฎุงูุฉ ุจุญุตุงูุฉ
ูุฃุชู ุญุตูู ุงูุฑุฃู ุฏูู ุณุฎููู
19. And old age has folded my flirting with my beauty
So it folded the softness of my enjoyment with chastity.
ูกูฉ. ูุทูู ุงูู
ุดูุจ ุชุบุฒูู ุจุชุฌู
ูุทูู ูุฐูุฏ ุชู
ุชุนู ุจุนูููู
20. The passage of time continues to roam around
Until he finds maturity in his roaming.
ูขู . ู
ุง ุฒุงู ู
ุฑุชุงุฏ ุงูุฒู
ุงู ู
ุญุชู ุฃุตุงุจ ุงูุฑุดุฏ ูู ุชุทูููู
21. He has forgiven Ishmael in his old age
What was of his opponents and the clan of Thaqif.
ูขูก. ุนูููู ุจุฅุณู
ุงุนูู ูู ุดูุจุงูู
ุง ูุงู ู
ู ุญูุฌููุงุฌู ูุซูููู
22. Time has dressed the minister in his care
With clothes that dazzle the eye with its weaving.
ูขูข. ูุจุณ ุงูุฒู
ุงูู ู
ู ุงููุฒูุฑ ูุนูุฏู
ุจุฑุฏุงู ุชุญุงุฑ ุงูุนูู ู
ู ุชููููู
23. Not to mention the beauty of its meadow, beautiful
A sky that disappears at dusk cleanly.
ูขูฃ. ูุงููู ู
ู ุญุณู ุงูุฑูุงุก ุฌู
ุนููู ุงูู
ุบูุจ ูุฏู ุงูุฎูุงุก ูุธููู
24. Or isnโt the passage of time composed of the likes of it
Whatever you want or whatever it wants from its composition.
ูขูค. ุฃู ููุณ ุชุทุฑูู ุงูุฒู
ุงู ุจู
ุง ุดุฆุช ุฃู ู
ุง ุดุงุก ู
ู ุชุทุฑููู
25. The minister was singled out with a house of glory built by his hands
Honoring him upon his honor.
ูขูฅ. ุฎูุตูู ุงููุฒูุฑ ุจุจูุช ู
ุฌุฏ ุฒุงุฏู
ุจูุฏูู ุชุดุฑููุงู ุนูู ุชุดุฑููู
26. If its building was not roofed by the sky
The shades of pegs would fail to roof it.
ูขูฆ. ูู ูู
ููุณูููู ุจุงูุณู
ุงุก ุจูุงุคู
ุนุฌุฒุช ุธูุงู ุงูู
ุฒู ุนู ุชุณูููู
27. O you who calculate, calculate the minister and his right
That calculation fails to categorize him.
ูขูง. ูุง ุญุงุณุจุงู ุญุณุจ ุงููุฒูุฑ ูุญููููู
ุฃู ูุนุฌุฒ ุงูุญุณุงุจ ุนู ุชูุตููู
28. How can your hands intend to count pebbles
While his hands continuously double in weakening him?
ูขูจ. ุฃูู ุชุฑูู
ูุฏุงู ุฅุญุตุงุก ุงูุญุตู
ููุฏุงู ุฏุงุฆุจุชุงู ูู ุชุถุนููู
29. No time passed without its Ishmael
From those who felt safe and those scared by his fright.
ูขูฉ. ูู
ูุฎู ุฏูุฑ ููู ุฅุณู
ู ุฃู
ู ุฎุงุฆูู ูุฎูู ู
30. A rescued fugitive in the place of the hunted one,
A suppressor of the fervent cry of the terrified.
ูฃู . ู
ูุฌุงุฉู ูุงุฑุจู ู
ุญู ุทุฑูุฏู
ููุงุฉ ุทุงูุจู ุบูุงุซ ููููู
31. Destiny pours out the prosperous with his sword
A sea in which the devout take refuge in his sword.
ูฃูก. ูุฏุฑ ูุจูุฑ ุงูู
ุชุฑููู ุจุณููู
ุจุญุฑ ูููุฐ ุงูู
ุนุชููู ุจูุณูููู
32. And time has granted him its own virtues
And its men, so it portrayed him in its disposition.
ูฃูข. ููุจ ุงูุฒู
ุงู ูู ูุถุงุฆู ููุณู
ูุฑุฌุงูู ูุญูุงู ูู ุชุตุฑููู
33. Neither his firmness that you see misses him
In calamities, nor the aroma of his cloak.
ูฃูฃ. ูุง ุญุฒู
ููู ุชุฑุงู ูููุชู
ูู ุงููุงุฆุจุงุช ููุง ุดุฐู ุบุทุฑููู
34. And it is as if his radiance and generosity
Were the pouring of his beloved and the sobriety of his summer resort.
ูฃูค. ููุฃูู
ุง ุฅุดุฑุงูู ูุณู
ุฅุบุฏุงู ู
ุดุชุงู ูุตุญู ู
35. And you see blessings for him like the atmosphere of his spring
Like his meadow and like the goodness of his autumn.
ูฃูฅ. ูุชุฑู ูู ูุนู
ุงู ูุฌููู ุฑุจูุนู
ููุฑูุถู ููุทูููุจุงุช ุฎุฑููู
36. His hands of justice have spread out in his sultanate
Until the lowly and the noble became equal.
ูฃูฆ. ุจุณุทุช ูุฏุงู ุงูุนุฏู ูู ุณูุทุงูู
ุญุชู ุงุณุชูู ุจุฏููููู ูุดุฑููู
37. The minister was rewarded for the righteousness of the flock
With his bliss and gentleness in educating them.
ูฃูง. ุฌูุฒูู ุงููุฒูุฑ ุนู ุงูุฑุนูุฉ ุตุงูุญุงู
ุจููุงูู ูุงูุฑูู ูู ุชุซูููู
38. He sees punishment, so it is in his delay
And he sees reward, so it is from his advance.
ูฃูจ. ูุนุฏ ุงูุนููุจุฉ ููู ูู ุชุฃุฎูุฑููู
ููุฑู ุงูู
ุซูุจุฉ ููู ู
ู ุชุณูููู
39. O you who ask about his abundant generosity
And his pleasure from the gratitude of a man with little.
ูฃูฉ. ูุง ุณุงุฆูู ุนู ุฌูุฏู ุจุฌุฒููู
ูุฑุถุงู ู
ู ุดูุฑ ุงู
ุฑุฆ ุจุทูููู
40. He has become an ally of generosity and was not
One your Lord would see betraying his ally.
ูคู . ุฃุถุญู ุญูููุงู ููุณู
ุงุญ ููู
ููุฑุงู ุฑุจู ุบุงุฏุฑุงู ุจุญูููู
41. We flatter him in praise that is the easiest of his rights
So we gain all of his gentle and subtle aspects.
ูคูก. ูุบุฏู ุจู
ุฏุญ ููู ุฃูุณุฑู ุญูููู
ููุญูุฒ ูู ุชููุฏู ูุทุฑููู
42. And I have done worse, by Allah, than reduce him
Since there, you need not fear reduction.
ูคูข. ูุงุณูุฃุชู ูุงููู ู
ู ุชุทูููู
ุฅุฐ ูุง ุชุฎุงู ููุงู ู
ู ุชุทูููู
43. We rely on him and tyranny in our employment
And he rules us and justice in his employment.
ูคูฃ. ูู
ุชุงุญู ูุงูุฌูุฑ ูู ุชูุธูููุง
ููุณูุณูุง ูุงูุนุฏู ูู ุชูุธููู
44. We are given a long time to burden us
Forever, and he is not given a time to burden.
ูคูค. ู
ุชุทูู ูุดุชุท ูู ุชูููููุง
ุฃุจุฏุงู ููุง ูุดุชุท ูู ุชููููู
45. His money has stopped on our weighing down
And our praise has stopped on lightening him.
ูคูฅ. ุฃู
ูุงูู ููู ุนูู ุชุซููููุง
ูุซูุงุคูุง ููู ุนูู ุชุฎูููู
46. And in him we direct poetry, because we
Are followers of the deeds of the needy to their protector.
ูคูฆ. ูุจู ูุญูู ุงูุดุนุฑ ููู ูุฃููุง
ุชุจุน ูู
ูุชูุฑ ุงููุนุงู ู
47. He builds the high places and we say about him, for our
Composition emulates his composition.
ูคูง. ูุจูู ุงูุนูุง ููููู ููู ูุฅูู
ุชุฃููููุง ููุญุฐู ุนูู ุชุฃูููู
48. How strange of him to reward a group
Who learn poetry from his dictation.
ูคูจ. ุนุฌุจุงู ูู ุฃูู ูุซูุจ ู
ูู ุงูุดุนุฑ ู
ู ุชููููู
49. How much has flowed from him of praise that has not found
A poet capable of sculpting or altering it.
ูคูฉ. ูู
ุฌุงุฏ ููู ู
ู ู
ุฏูุญ ูู
ุนู ูุญุช ุดุงุนุฑู ููุง ุชุญุฐููู
50. A rain by which we live in its direction and see the enemies
Weak under its flames and pounding.
ูฅู . ุบูุซ ูุนูุด ุจุตูุจู ููุฑู ุงูุนุฏู
ุถุนููู ุชุญุช ูููุจู ูุฑุฌููู
51. Rushing quickly at his short cry
Scattering in haste at his burning with his short cry.
ูฅูก. ู
ุชุจุงุฏุฑูู ูุตููู ุจูู
ุชูุงุฐุฑูู ุญุฑููู ุจูุตููู
52. A lion whose beasts roam around his sanctuary
And you see the lions distancing themselves from his thickets.
ูฅูข. ููุซ ุชุฑุงุนู ุงููุญุด ุญูู ุญุฑูู
ูุชุฑู ุงูุฃุณูุฏ ู
ุฌุงูุจุงุช ุบุฑููู
53. Rushing at his roar with their howling
Scattering though his garment with their gowns.
ูฅูฃ. ู
ุชุจุงุฏุฑุงุชู ุฏููููู ุจุฒุฆูุฑู
ุชูุงุฐุฑุงุช ูุซูุจู ุจุฏูููู
54. How many friends has he rescued, and how many fierce enemies
Have not been rescued from his twisting and twisting.
ูฅูค. ูู
ูุฏ ูุฌุง ู
ูู ุงูุฑููู ูู
ุง ูุฌุง
ูู ุงูุนููู ุจููููู ูููููู
55. Like the wind, and the crops surrendered to its passing
And it blew so they could not withstand its cutting off.
ูฅูฅ. ูุงูุฑูุญ ูุงูุฒุฑุนู ุงุณุชูุงู ูู
ูุนุชุช ููู
ุชูุฏุฑ ุนูู ุชูุตููู
56. And the resistant, proud panic shook at its slashing
So it came upon it and was not startled by its whistling.
ูฅูฆ. ูุชู
ุงุชู ุงูุฌุฒุน ุงูุฃุจููู ู
ูุฃุชุช ุนููู ููู
ุชูุฑูุน ุจุญูููู
57. A king who guaranteed me reaching my love
When the times were difficult or frightening.
ูฅูง. ู
ูู ุชุถู
ู ูู ุจููุบ ู
ุนูุฏ ุงุนุชูุงู ุงูุฏูุฑ ุฃู ุชุฎูููู
58. So if I feared, he brought me into his abode
And if I longed, he settled me in his countryside.
ูฅูจ. ูุฅุฐุง ุฑูุจุช ุฃูููู ูู ุฑุจุนู
ูุฅุฐุง ุฑุบุจุช ุฃุญููู ูู ุฑููู
59. What I said about him is as if I lacked
His like, so I fell short in depicting him.
ูฅูฉ. ู
ุง ููุช ููู ูุฃููู ุฅูุง ุฃุนูุฒุช
ุฃุดุจุงูู ูุนุฌุฒุช ุนู ุชููููู
60. But I have exhausted the utmost of my ability in portraying him
Continued in describing him without distortion.
ูฆู . ููููู ุงุณุชูุฑุบุช ูู ุชุดุจููู
ุฌูุฏ ุงูู
ุทูู ูุญุฏุช ุนู ุชุญุฑููู
61. So I showed his meaning to the minds as
The meaning of one's words appears in its transcription.
ูฆูก. ูุฃุฑูุช ู
ุนูุงู ุงูุนููู ูู
ุง ููุฑู
ุนูู ููุงู
ุฑุก ูู ุชุตุญููู
62. And for the describer, among those who described him
There is work for your father's age without compiling it.
ูฆูข. ูููุงุตู ูู ุฌู
ูุฉ ู
ู ูุตูู
ุดุบูู ูุนู
ุฑ ุฃุจูู ุนู ุชุตูููู
63. O you whom if I called out by his attributes
Without his name, you would fully recognize him.
ูฆูฃ. ูุง ู
ู ุฅุฐุง ูุงุฏูุชู ุจุตูุงุชู
ุฏูู ุงุณู
ู ุจุงูุบุช ูู ุชุนุฑููู
64. How many shadows of despair has he uncovered
When despair was certain of keeping it hidden.
ูฆูค. ูู
ุธููู ูุฃุณู ู
ุทุจู ูุดูููุชู
ุนูุฏ ุงุนุชูุงุฏ ุงููุฃุณ ู
ู ุชูุดููู
65. With you, a trace of arrangement adapts its subtlety
As a barrier, to mend people in adapting it.
ูฆูฅ. ุจู ุทููู ุชุฏุจูุฑู ูููููู ูุทูู
ุณุฏุงู ุตูุงุญ ุงููุงุณ ูู ุชููููู
66. He constructs the dense from the subtle, yet only
The fortification of the subtle is by making it denser.
ูฆูฆ. ูุจูู ุงููุซูู ู
ู ุงููุทูู ูุฅูู
ุชูุซูู ุฐู ุงูุชุญุตูู ู
ู ุชูุทููู
67. Carrying a slim pen, its body
In the meter of one immense without slenderness.
ูฆูง. ู
ุชุฎุตูุฑุงู ููู
ุงู ูุญููุงู ุฌุณู
ูู ูุฒู ุถุฎู
ุงูุดุฃู ุบูุฑ ูุญููู
68. By Allah, what a composer and succeeded one
Who sways between its heavy and its light.
ูฆูจ. ููู ุฃู ู
ุตุฏููุฑู ูู
ููุชุฒ ุจูู ุซูููู ูุฎูููู
69. Not to mention his chest and his melodizing,
Not to mention his succession and his narration.
ูฆูฉ. ูุงููู ู
ู ุตุฏุฑ ูู
ู ุชุณูููู
ูุงููู ู
ู ุฑุฏู ูู
ู ุชุณูููู
70. Clothed in all awe with his singing
In every intricate, winding situation.
ูงู . ููุณูู ุงูู
ูุงุจุฉ ูููุง ุจุบูุงุฆู
ูู ูู ูุงุฒู ู
ุถูุนู ูู
71. So you see the spear flashing in his prelude
And you see the sword flashing in his succession.
ูงูก. ูุชุฑู ุงูุณูุงู ูููุญ ูู ุชุตุฏูุฑู
ูุชุฑู ุงูุญุณุงู
ูููุญ ูู ุชุฑุฏููู
72. And a gloomy journey, when the dark night spreads out the rug
He sees the gloom, so it quickly departs like its departure.
ูงูข. ูุธููู
ู ุฃุณูุงุฑู ุฅุฐุง ุงูุชุฑุด ุงูููุง
ุจุงุฑู ุงูุธููู
ูุฒููู ู
ุซู ุฒูููู
73. I tasked him with carrying my load to you, so he sped with me
And bought his pace with the nearness of his companion.
ูงูฃ. ูููููุชูู ุญู
ูู ุฅููู ูุฎููู ุจู
ูุงุจุชุงุน ุฎุทูุชู ุจูุฑุจ ุฃูููู
74. I set out towards your face to be guided by its stars
When the night thickened in its covering.
ูงูค. ูู
ุช ูุฌูู ุฃูุชุฏู ุจูุฌูู
ุนูุฏ ุงุญุชุดุงุฏ ุงูููู ูู ุชุณุฌููู
75. And I turned away from what an experienced one said about you
Not from the words of a swaying, bending fabricator.
ูงูฅ. ูุตุฏุฑุช ุนู
ุง ูุงู ููู ู
ูุง ุนู ู
ูุงูุฉ ุนุงุฆูู ูู
76. And I hoped for his singing and a hoper
Longed for your singing though I stalled in delaying it.
ูงูฆ. ูู
ููู ุฃุบููุชู ูู
ุฑุฌููู ุบูุงู ูุฌุฌุช ูู ุชุณูููู
77. You did not cease to put forth your property angrily
To one racing when you did not cease to succeed it.
ูงูง. ูู
ุชุฃู ูู ุชูุฏูู
ุงูู ุบุงุฆุธุงู
ุณุงุจู ูู
ุชุฃู ูู ุชุฎูููู
78. So submit and forever be before his reigns,
A forerunner, and forever be behind his succession.
ูงูจ. ูุงุณูู
ููู ุฃุจุฏุงู ุฃู
ุณุจูุงู ููู ุนูู
ุฑุงู ูุฑุงุก ุฑุฏููู
79. And as for the nobles of men, devices
To save you from needing their oaths.
ูงูฉ. ูุฃู
ุง ูุฃุดุฑุงู ุงูุฑุฌุงู ุฃููููุฉู
ู ู
ุฎูุต ูุบููู ุนู ุชุญูููู
80. May a sincere one who sings you compose them
Into praise, the ears do not spurn from hearing it.
ูจู . ูููุดูููููููููู
ู ุจู
ุฏุญู ุตุงุฆุบู
ูุง ุชูุจุฑ ุงูุขุฐุงู ุนู ุชุดูููู