
Your generosity is plenty compared to

كثير نوالك في جنب ما

1. Your generosity is plenty compared to
What you are naturally inclined to give, just a trickle.

١. كثير نوالك في جنب ما
جُبِلتَ عليه من الجود نَزْرُ

2. And a trickle of your giving to one
Who gives freely to all people is a flood.

٢. ونَزْرُ نوالك عند الذي
يجود به سائر الناس غَمرُ

3. So whoever seeks more from you finds a way,
And whoever is content is content with the good in it.

٣. فمن يستزدْك يجَدْ مَذهباً
ومن يرضَ يرض بما فيه خيرُ

4. And I have an ambition whose length
And breadth, your palms encompass an ocean.

٤. ولي همةٌ زاد في طولها
وفي عرضها أنّ كفيك بحرُ

5. You had promised abundant gifts,
And given me hope of a torrent from you, a few drops.

٥. وكنتَ وعدت لُهاً جمّةً
وبشّرني منك بالسيل قَطرُ

6. And for your support when the new moon appeared
Like a full moon that had just developed from it.

٦. وقلت لرفدك لما بدا
هلال كأنْ قد نما منه بدْرُ

7. So fulfill the promises you emphasized,
For evening has passed and morning has passed.

٧. فأنجِزْ مواعيدَ أكّدتها
فقد مر عصر وقد كر عصر

8. And do not disappoint me, for prevarication -
No matter what - is "Alas!" and "Oh!" and a vow.

٨. ولا تُخلِفنِّي فإنّ الكري
م سيان وأْيٌ وآهُ ونذر

9. Does one break a promise whose words
Are a covenant? Thus, breaking is betrayal.

٩. وهل يخلف الوعدَ من قوله
كما الوعدُ عهدٌ كذا الخُلف غدر

10. The generous man delays his promises -
Trusting he will not fail in what is better.

١٠. ومطلُ الكريم مواعيدَه
أمانٌ من الخلف ما فيه خَتْر

11. Delay will not be denied, especially
For one whose lifetime is ebb and flow.

١١. ولن يُنْكَر المطل لاسيما
لمن ماله الدهرَ مدٌّ وجزر

12. And if death had promised me about you
Its promises would become void and false.

١٢. ولو وعدَتْني عنك المُنى
لأمست مواعيدها وهي وَفر