
Let one who is ascending acquire the world and its ostentation,

دع صاعدا يقتني الدنيا وزبرجها

1. Let one who is ascending acquire the world and its ostentation,
In knowledge of Allah I have gained in lieu of what he attained.

١. دعْ صاعداً يقتني الدنيا وزِبرِجها
في العلم باللَّهِ مما ناله عِوضُ

2. What is the concern of one whose essence of things is his contentment,
Who despairs and envies a people whose lot is but show.

٢. ما بالُ من جَوْهَرُ الأشياء قُنْيتُه
يأسى ويحسدُ قوماً حظُّهم عَرَضُ

3. I wonder at people who are appeased
By love of trappings, not knowing what honor is.

٣. إنّي لأعجبُ من قوم يشُفُّهمُ
حُبُّ الزخارفِ لا يدْرُونَ ما العرضُ

4. Oh minds, oh dreams to deter them!
Rather minds and dreams in them is sickness.

٤. ألا عُقُولَ ألا أحلامَ تَزْجُرهُم
بلى عُقولٌ وأحلامٌ بها مرض

5. The striving of the ambitious for surplus wealth after being rich
Is forbidden, like the seeking of sustenance when already obligated.

٥. سعيُ السُّعاةِ لفضل المال بعد غِنىً
حِرمٌ كما طلبُ الأقواتِ مُفترض

6. Is it not a crime, one's forgetting his Creator,
When strayings and trappings have adorned themselves to him.

٦. أليس جُرماً تناسي المرءِ خَالقَهُ
إذا أليحتْ له الأذهابُ والفضَضُ

7. Especially when the present suffices him,
The knower of God is averse to such things.

٧. لا سيما والذي يكفيه حاضِرُه
لعارفِ اللَهِ من هاتيك مُمْتعضُ

8. If souls had faith in God, they would not be preoccupied
By what is lost without anguish.

٨. لو آمنتْ أنفسٌ باللَّهِ ما شُغِلْت
عنه بما ليس في فقدانِه مَضَض

9. Nay, nor would they retire, except that their retirement
Is as though an obstacle between it and the final ingathering.

٩. كلا ولا اضطجعتْ إلا ومَضْجعُها
كأنه حائلٌ من دُونه القَضَض