
I have lost my youth and all of its suckling,

سلوت شبابي والرضاع كليهما

1. I have lost my youth and all of its suckling,
So how can you see me asking except for them both.

١. سَلَوْتُ شَبابي والرّضاعَ كليهما
فكيف تُراني سالياً ما سِواهُما

2. Time has brought nothing which I refuse,
It is they who give and take away, they are it.

٢. وما أحدثَ العَصْران شيئاً نكرْتُه
هما الواهبان السالبان هما هُما

3. I saw to consider the matter before its occurrence,
To spare my eyes from prolonged weeping for them.

٣. رأيت احتسابَ الأمرِ قبل وقوعه
حَمَى مُقْلَتَيَّ أنْ يطولَ بُكَاهُما