
God has granted you a neighbor

بني وهب الله جار لكم

1. God has granted you a neighbor
Who withstands adversities and their times

١. بني وهب اللَّه جارٌ لكم
من النائبات وأزمانِها

2. The enemies resent that you are a faction
Whose balance has proven correct

٢. يغيظُ العدا أنكم عُصبةٌ
تَبيَّن رُجحان ميزانِها

3. You and your sons have become a fountain
The sanctuary of mankind beneath its branches

٣. جُعلتم وأبناؤكم دَوْحةً
مَقيلُ الورى تحت أفنانها

4. Thus propriety was sustained through its manners
And perfection through its branches

٤. فكان القوامُ بأعرافها
وكان التمامُ بأغصانها

5. Time will not pass until Suleiman
Is seen like his namesake

٥. ولن يذهب الدهرُ حتى تُرى
سليمانُها كسليمانها

6. I say to one inquiring of you
My invocation depends on its proof

٦. أقول لمستخْبرٍ عنكُمُ
ودعوايَ رهنٌ ببُرهانها

7. Those are the substance of our nation
Anciently and the adornment of its decoration

٧. أولئك عُدَّةُ أملاكنا
قديماً وزينة مُزدانها

8. For they are its swords in tribulation
And its crowns in prosperity

٨. فهم في العَناء كأسيافها
وهم في البهاء كتيجانها

9. I have not fully represented them
Straying for myself and forgetting them

٩. ولم أُوفِهم حقَّ تمثيلهم
ضلالاً لنفسي ونسيانها

10. They are not like an eye and its sight
Nor the worth of an eye and its vision

١٠. وليسوا كعينٍ وإنسانها
وما قدرُ عين وإنسانها

11. I elevate the status of their similes
With what God has raised of their distinction

١١. سأُعلى مراتب أمثالها
بما رفع اللَّهُ من شانها

12. They are the spirits for the King
While people are like their bodies

١٢. همُ للمولك أرواحها
إذا الناسُ كانوا كأبدانها

13. Thus the caliphate enumerates them
The hand of time the pillars of its building

١٣. فتلك الخلافةُ تعتدُّهم
يدَ الدهر أركان بنيانها

14. And with four of them present
God has refused the pillars of its edifice

١٤. وما عند أربعةٍ منهمُ
أبى اللَّه عدة أركانها

15. But it has from them a number
Like the rain of the sky and its inhabitants

١٥. ولكن لها منهمُ عدَّةٌ
كقَطْر السماء وسكانها

16. Their pens with our rulers
Are the tongues of the spears of its horsemen

١٦. وأقلامُهم عند أملاكنا
أسنةُ أرماح فرسانها

17. Their ministries yearned toward you
So they yearned toward the best of homelands

١٧. وحنَّت إليكم وزاراتُهُمْ
فحنَّت إلى خير أوطانها

18. Were they commissioned to guard our masters
They would guard them like their eyelids

١٨. لئن ضُمِّنُوا صوْن ساداتنا
لما صان عينا كأجفانها