1. O men, beware and take heed,
Of a Khalid whose traits resemble Al-Hajjaj,
١. يا لَلرجالِ توسّموا وتبيَّنوا
في خالدٍ شبهاً منَ الحجاجِ
2. Whose anger is unleashed at the one who admits his sin,
And whose wrath befalls all vagrants.
٢. إغضاؤُهُ عمَّن يُقرُّ بذنبه
وحلول نقمته بكلِّ مُداجي
3. A man who loves the truthful for their honesty,
And truthfulness is the best salvation for one in distress.
٣. رجل يحب الصادقين لصدقهم
والصدقُ أفضل نَجوةٍ للناجي
4. His mother's honesty from what was in her,
Of the desire for penetration and withdrawal.
٤. صَدقَتْهُ أمُّ عياله عمّا بها
من شهوة الإِيلاج والإِخراجِ
5. So he permitted her desires and allowed her
The rope of adultery like the most generous of husbands.
٥. فأباحها شهواتِها وأَجَرَّها
حبلَ السِّفاح كأكرم الأزواجِ