1. Your greeting brought to us a north wind, circling
Around a garden, awakening its spirit and basil.
١. حَيَّتك عنَّا شمالٌ طاف طائفُها
بجنة فَجَّرَتْ رَوحاً ورَيْحانا
2. It blew gently, so the branch whispered to its friend
Murmuring, and the birds called out joyfully.
٢. هَبَّتْ سُحَيْراً فناجى الغُصنُ صاحبَه
مُوَسوساً وتنادَى الطيرُ إعلانا
3. Leaves sang over lush green meadows
Rising up, perfuming the earth at times.
٣. وُرْقٌ تَغَنَّى على خُضْرٍ مُهَدَّلةٍ
تَسْمو بها وتشمُّ الأرضَ أحيانا
4. You'd think its bird was drunk with rapture,
And its swaying branch also drunk with rapture.
٤. تخالُ طائرَها نشوانَ من طربٍ
والغُصنَ مِن هَزِّهِ عِطْفَيْهِ نَشوانا