
I looked into the faces of my poetry, faces

نظرت في وجوه شعري وجوه

1. I looked into the faces of my poetry, faces
That were made ugly before their creation

١. نظرتْ في وجوه شعري وجوهٌ
أُوسِعت قبلَ خلقِها تقبيحا

2. So they went to it in distress
And what it denied of them was granted

٢. فغدتْ وهي زاريات عليه
والذي أنكرتْه منها أُتيحا

3. I saw in its polish images from it
Of ugliness, so it showed clear reproach

٣. أبصرتْ في صِقاله صُوَراً منـ
ـه قِباحاً فأظهرت تكليحا

4. God witnessed that at that time
It helped the blameless and stripped the corrupt

٤. شهد الله أنها عند ذاكم
أعنتتْ سالماً وعرَّت صحيحا

5. It looked upon its ugliness so it covered it
With oppressive shadows, clear oppression

٥. عايَنتْ فيه قبحها فاجتوتْه
ظالماتٍ هناك ظلماً صريحا

6. And bright-faced people saw it
And saw its face radiant and clear

٦. ورأته وجوهُ قوم وِضاءٍ
فرأت وجهَه وضيئاً صبيحا

7. Thus does the polished view lead
To matching it with an eloquent rhetorician

٧. هكذا المنظر الصقيل يؤدِّي
ما يوازي به بليغاً فصيحا

8. Mirrors show the beautiful as beautiful
And so they show the ugly as ugly

٨. والمَرايا تُري الجميل جميلاً
وكذاكم تُري القبيح قبيحا

9. With which to treat the heart's wound
An example for weak minds

٩. هاكها يا سعيدُ غراءَ عذرا
ءَ تداوي بها الفؤاد القريحا

10. And poetry is purified, no longer vile

١٠. مَثلاً للعقول تضعُفُ والشعْـ
ـرُ يُصفَّى فلا تراه قليحا