1. Our care for your rights is your right upon us
Since we are inclined towards you
١. رعايةُ حقِّنا حقٌ عليْكا
لما نعتدُّ من مَيْلٍ إليكا
2. And your victory has bestowed favors upon us
It is the end of what we hope for from you
٢. ونَصْرُك باسِطُ النُّعمى علينا
نهايةُ ما نُؤَمِّلُهُ لديكا
3. So from your affection is a share for us
An incentive you have filled your hands with
٣. فدُونَك من مَوَدَّتِهِ نصيباً
رِغيباً قد ملأتَ به يديكا
4. O Abu Al-Abbas do not be overcome by it
For it has become and was not overcome upon you
٤. أباالعباسِ لا تُغْلَبْ عليه
فقد أضْحَى ولم يُغْلَبْ عليكا
5. Whenever you took care of it from both sides
It took care of you from both your sides
٥. متى راعيتَه من جانبيه
رعاك بعينه من جانبيكا
6. And you did not lack with it a sword and shield
Like your determination supplies you during your states
٦. ولم تعدم به سيفاً ودرعاً
كهمّك عُدَّةً في حالتيكا
7. And the like of you is not misguided to right guidance
Your glance suffices with a hint from your eyes
٧. ومثلك لا يُدَل على رشادٍ
كفاك بلمحةٍ من ناظريكا
8. O Abu Al-Abbas you have acted well
And connected with it the brotherhood of your brothers
٨. أبا العباس قد أسديت فعلاً
وصلتَ به إخاء مُؤاخِيَيْكا
9. And in it is an opportunity for you so seize it
For God will suppress your enviers
٩. وفيه فرصةٌ لك فانتهزْها
فإن اللَّه يكبتُ حاسديكا