
Al-Qasim rewards Al-Hasani, beautifying his face,

جزى القاسم الحسنى محسن وجهه

1. Al-Qasim rewards Al-Hasani, beautifying his face,
And making him of those with a sweet scent and prosperity.

١. جزى القاسم الحسنى محسِّنُ وجهِهِ
وجاعِلُهُ ممن يُطيب ويُكْثِرُ

2. A young man who does not count perfume as a striking blow,
But he himself is naturally scented.

٢. فتى لا يَعُدُّ العطر ضربةَ لازبٍ
ولكنه من نفسه متعطِّرُ

3. A brother to a bird - God does not dislike the like of it,
But he is of those who are loved and preferred.

٣. أخو طِيرة لا يكره الله مثلها
ولكنها مما يُحَب ويؤثرُ

4. If we say praise of him, then he
Deserves praise that has not been matched by one who excels.

٤. إذا نحن قلنا المدح فيه فإنه
من المدح ما لم يَجزه متطيِّر

5. Even if praise is not rewarded, it is a eulogy
For a dead person, even if the dead is not buried in a grave.

٥. وإن مديحاً لا يُثاب لنُدبةٌ
لميْتٍ وإن لم يُقبرِ الميتَ مُقْبر

6. If the praised one were to wake alive, his own soul
Would choose for him what the choosy would select.

٦. ولو أصبح الممدوح حياً تخيَّرتْ
له نفسُه ما يصطفي المتخير

7. Of the best of things, lasting, which he obtains
With one who passes away, when contemplated by the observant.

٧. ومن خِيَرِ الأشياء باقٍ تحوزُهُ
بفانٍ إذا ما اسْتثَبتَ المتبصِّر