1. No son of a generous man ever attained generosity
Except through violating the unlawful and making it lawful
١. ما بحريثٍ نال ابنُه الكرما
لكن بما قد أباحنا الحُرما
2. He gave generously with things one would not usually give generously
For the sake of his values, though they were shameful values
٢. جادَ بأشياءَ لا يجادُ بها
لشيمةٍ فيه بذَّتِ الشيما
3. Every generous man regards his possessions as unlawful
And nothing he owns remains forbidden to give
٣. كلُّ جوادٍ في ملْكه حَرَمٌ
وليس شيءٌ في مِلكهِ حَرُما
4. He has surpassed those who preceded him in generosity
Though they preceded him in time
٤. أصبحَ قُدَّامَ من تقدَّمه
جوداً وإن همْ تقدموا قِدَما
5. O you who criticize his values
Set the scales of judgment between us
٥. يا أيها العائبون شِيمتَهُ
ضعوا المقاييسَ بيننا حَكما
6. He is more tolerant than your legendary Hatim
Who only bestowed favors
٦. أسمحُ من تعلمونَ حاتِمُكُم
وإنما كان يمنح النَّعما
7. So one whose soul is hardened by its sanctity
Is not generous after it becomes hardened
٧. فمَنْ سختْ نفسُهُ بحرمته
فهْو الذي ليس بعدهُ كرما
8. Generosity is known through three things
Appraise them and arrange their worth
٨. ثلاثةٌ يُعرفُ السَّخاءُ بها
فقوِّموها ورتِّبوا القِيما
9. Wealth, life, and the greater of the two
And the sanctities that accompany them both
٩. المالُ والنفسُ وهْيَ تَفْضُلُهُ
والحُرُماتُ التي تَفِي بهما
10. For souls can transcend
Them, and swords can rain blood
١٠. وذاك أن النفوس تخطر عن
هنَّ وتستمطرُ السيوفَ دما
11. By God, if your Hatim saw him
And your Ka'b, they would make peace with him
١١. واللَّهِ أنْ لو رآه حاتمُكُمْ
وكعبُكُم ألقيا له السَّلما
12. I praise him for some of his bounty
And so spite those who spite him
١٢. أُثني عليه ببعضِ نعمَتِه
فأرغم الله أنف من رَغِمَا
13. And praise be to God with no partner
One who does not say it wrongs himself
١٣. والحمد لله لا شريك له
من لَم يَقُلها فنفسه ظلما