1. Polished by nature, his character was never tainted
With anything but sincerity, since his first steps
١. صقيلٌ صقال الطبع لم يُكسَ غيرُهُ
صقالاً ولم يَعْهدهُ مذ قُدَّ مِدْوَسُ
2. And if I wanted, I could have prolonged the rhymes
As far as their breath would allow
٢. ولو شئت ماطلتُ القوافيَ جريها
مدى ما تمادى شأوُها المتنفسُ
3. But I give words their due
Remaining faithful, though to you poetry is trivial
٣. ولكنني أُعطي الكلامَ حقوقَهُ
وفاءً وحقُّ الشعرِ عندك يُبْخس
4. So I draw from my own creativity
Kindling when others take fire
٤. فذاك وإني أستقي من قريحتي
وأقدحُ إذ غيري من الناس يقبِس