1. I see myself made happy through his great deeds, O son of Sa'id
And my gratitude to him is no small thing
١. أَراني سعيدَ الجَدِّ يا ابن سعيدِ
وما هو من شكري له ببعيدِ
2. I will begin my thanks again and repeat it
Based on principles known to the virtuous elite
٢. سأبْدِئُ شكري تارة وأعيدُه
على مُبْدئٍ للعارفات مُعيدِ
3. A young man whose actions started me off
With which I forgot my morning loneliness on the feast day
٣. فتىً بدأتْني بدأةٌ من فَعَاله
أنسْتُ بها أُنسي صَبيحَةَ عيدِ
4. The ground, vile as it is, smells sweet because of it
And the already sweet become sweeter still
٤. تطيب به الأرضُ الخبيثُ صعيدُها
وتزداد ذاتُ الطيب طيبَ صعيدِ
5. So do not hide my praise with the thanks, for it is
Clear to both the sedentary and the active
٥. فَلا تسترثْ حمدي مع الشكر إنه
لبيْنَ قَعيدٍ منهما وقعيدِ
6. When my soul feels safe from the threats of fate
Through ibn Sa'id, it has no fear of threats
٦. إذا أمنَتْ نفسي وعيدَ زمانها
على ابن سَعيد لم تُرَعْ بوعيدِ