
My poetry complained of al-Qasim

تظلّم شِعري إلى القاسمِ

1. My poetry complained of al-Qasim
So he transgressed against the tyrannical time

١. تظلَّمَ شِعري إلى القاسمِ
فأعْدَى على الزمنِ الغاشمِ

2. It extended until I imagined it
Rivaling the full moon of Bani Hashim

٢. تطوَّلَ حتى توهمتُهُ
يُطاولُ بدْرَ بني هاشمِ

3. And it retreated until I saw it
Contesting with me over Abul Qasim

٣. ونوَّلَ حتى لقد خِلُتهُ
يُساجلُ فيِّ أبا القاسمِ

4. A young man who obtained their satisfaction
So he excelled over the reluctant one

٤. فتىً نال عافُوهُ مَرْضاتَهُمْ
فجلَّ على مَرْغمِ الراغمِ

5. Floating in an abundant sea
And taking refuge on an impregnable mountain

٥. نُطيفُ ببَحْرٍ لهُ زاخرٍ
ونأوي إلى جبلٍ عاصمِ

6. Built by God for us as a fortress
A construction of the immortalizer not the demolisher

٦. بناهُ الإله لنا مَعْقِلاً
بناءَ المُخلِّدِ لا الهادمِ

7. It is time listening to a questioner
And not listening to a blamer

٧. هو الدهرُ مُصْغٍ إلى سائلٍ
وليسَ بِمُصْغٍ إلى لائمِ

8. His hands remain the hands of a passionate lover
And his joy is the joy of the winner

٨. تظلُّ يداه يديْ غارمٍ
وبَهْجَتُةُ بهجةَ الغانمِ

9. No passionate lover's palms were emptied
For him is the praise and reward for the passionate one

٩. وما غارمٌ حَصَّلَتْ كفُّهُ
له الحمدَ والأجرَ بالغارمِ

10. The hands of al-Qasim do not cease
As if his hands are floating hands

١٠. وما تستفيقُ يدا قاسمٍ
كأنَّ يديْهِ يدا عائمِ

11. He is cautious if he jest for a moment
The caution of a resolute and determined man

١١. يحاذر إن وَنَتَا طَرْفةً
حذارَ امرئٍ حازمٍ عازمِ

12. And he fears the stinginess of the miser
During the crisis of pressing time

١٢. ويرهب أحدوثةَ الباخلي
نَ في أزمةِ الزَمنِ الآزمِ

13. Whoever refrains from a torrential time
Is saved from a torrential time

١٣. ومَنْ كفَّ مِنْ زَمن عارمٍ
تسلَّمَ مِنْ زمَنٍ عارمِ

14. Our master has no shortcoming
That would frighten him, firm against the threatener

١٤. وليستْ بسيِّدِنا خَلَّةٌ
تُخَوِّفُهُ العَذْمَ من عاذمِ

15. God has placed him in an unsullied position
Safe from blame and from the blamer

١٥. لقد نَصَّهُ اللَّهُ في مَنْصبٍ
سليمٍ من الذامِ والذائمِ

16. So he has no flaw but for a complainer
Who sees the grantor as a dreamer

١٦. فلا عيبَ فيه سوى نائلٍ
يراهُ المُنَوِّلُ كالحالمِ

17. He remains seeing his right as false
Like a mirage circling a sleeper

١٧. يظلُّ يرى حقَّهُ باطلاً
أطافَ خيالاً على نائمِ

18. His wealth has not ceased being agreeable
A protection for his unblemished honor

١٨. فلا انْفَكَّ تالِفَ أموالهِ
وقاءً على عِرْضِهِ السالمِ

19. He remains a rain for the questioner
Vanquishing the complainer and enraging the displeased

١٩. ولا زال غيثاً على سائلٍ
مُحِقٍّ وغيظاً على ناقمِ

20. No trader has sold his praise
For expected regret of the regretful

٢٠. فما تاجرٌ باعَهُ حَمْدَهُ
بِمُحتقبٍ حَسْرَةَ النادمِ

21. As for me, I came not failing
Nor bearing the burden of sin

٢١. وإني وقدْ آب لا خائباً
ولا حاملاً ثقَلَ الآثمِ

22. Let no brother suspect ambiguity
For no illusion remains for the deluded one

٢٢. فلا يتوهَّمْ أخو شُبْهةٍ
فلمْ يَبْقَ وهْمٌ على واهمِ

23. I wonder for one whose resolve is his resolve
That his hands become hands of the final seal

٢٣. عجبتُ لمَنْ حَزْمُهُ حزمُهُ
تكونُ يداه يدَيْ حاتمِ

24. I wonder for one whose generosity is his generosity
That a miser's knot becomes his

٢٤. عجبْتُ لمن جودُهُ جودُهُ
تكونُ له عُقدةُ الحارمِ

25. I wonder for one whose patience is his patience
That the violence of a sword becomes his

٢٥. عجبتُ لِمَنْ حِلمُهُ حلمُهُ
تكونُ له صَوْلةُ الصّارمِ

26. I wonder for one whose limit is his limit
That the kindness of the Merciful becomes his

٢٦. عجبتُ لمن حَدُّهُ حَدُّهُ
تكونُ له رأفَةُ الراحمِ

27. I see every opposite leading to its opposite
The good in his nature is secure

٢٧. أرى كلَّ ضِدٍّ إلى ضِدِّهِ
من الخير في طبعه السالمِ

28. To you, O stone-hearted elite, I
Was led to al-Mufaddal, the knowing scholar

٢٨. إليكمْ جُفاةَ العلى إنَّني
دُفعْتُ إلى مُفضلٍ عالمِ

29. Whose day illuminates with a shining sun
And whose cloudy day waters

٢٩. يُضيء بيوم لهُ شامسٍ
ويسقي بيومٍ له غائمِ

30. He speaks, satisfying the echo of the ignorant one
And gives, satisfying the echo of the confused one

٣٠. يقولُ فيروِي صدَى جاهلٍ
ويُعطي فيروي صدى حائمِ

31. He gathered me, without being gloomy
And not the gathering of the tolerant with the intolerant

٣١. قراني قِرَى غيرَ ما عاتم
وليس قِرَى السَّمحِ بالعاتمِ

32. He gathered me in vain and in prohibition
So I am not for the two rivers to neglect

٣٢. قراني لُهىً وقراني نُهىً
فلستُ لرِفدَيْنِ بالعادمِ

33. My praise has no final seal
Nor his gifts a final seal

٣٣. فما لمديحيَ من خاتمٍ
وما لعطاياه من خاتمِ

34. A man not blamed for spending while able
Nor for the stinginess of the regretful

٣٤. فتىً لا يُذَمُّ بجودِ المُضِي
عِ كلّا ولا بخَلِ النادمِ

35. Indeed, the reward for your praise, O Qasim
For your letters has no binding oath

٣٥. ألا أجرِ مدحكَ في قاسم
فما لحروفِكَ من جازمِ

36. O Qasim, have you concealed your custom from me?
I refused the injustice of the benefactor

٣٦. أمُسْتَكْتِمِي قاسمٌ عُرْفَهُ
أَبَيْتُ على المُحْسِنِ الظالمِ

37. A generous man confided wealth in me
And I am not one to conceal a favor

٣٧. كريمٌ أسرَّ إليَّ الغِنى
وما أنا للْعُرْفِ بالكاتمِ

38. He granted me, I concealed. Do I hide from him
The lightning of his munificence over the critic?

٣٨. وهَبْني كتَمْتُ أتخفى له
بروقُ نداه على الشائمِ

39. The mark of easiness on the wealthy
And the sign of bliss on the blissful

٣٩. ووسْمُ اليسارِ عل موسرٍ
وسِيما النعيمِ على ناعمِ

40. Shares for me, O Qasim, the pleas
You have not ceased in lasting beauty

٤٠. أقاسِمُ يا قاسمَ المُنْفسا
تِ لا زلتَ في جَذلٍ دائمِ

41. I praised you with praise without stinginess
I truthfully lauded, not pretending

٤١. مدحتك مدحةَ لا باخسٍ
ثناءَكَ حقَّاً ولا زاعمِ

42. So I contested the elder of Bani Taghlib
And contested the elder of Bani Darim

٤٢. فساجلتُ شيْخَ بني تَغلبٍ
وساجلتُ شيخَ بني دارمِ

43. I prepare the beautiful praise for you
For the memorizer and for the transcriber

٤٣. أُجَهِّزُ فيك جميلَ الثنا
إلى حافظٍ وإلى راقمِ

44. Your meanings are enough jewels for me
And you are enough, your servant, from the composer

٤٤. وحسبي معانيكَ من جَوْهرٍ
وحسبُكَ عبْدُكَ مِنْ ناظمِ

45. I have not seen the like of you from a master
And how many like me are your servants

٤٥. ولم أر مثلكَ مِنْ سيِّدٍ
وكم لك مِثْليَ من خادمِ

46. You remain a rain for the questioner
And you remain wrath for the displeased

٤٦. فلا زلتَ غيثاً على سائلٍ
ولا زلتَ غيظاً على راغمِ

47. If you turned away from me in aloofness
I am not, by God, the offender

٤٧. وإن كنتَ أعقبتني جفوةً
وما أنا والله بالجارمِ

48. You regarded others and neglected me
Contrary to your established balance

٤٨. وراعيتَ غيري وأغفلتني
خلافاً لميزانِكَ القائمِ

49. My condition is not of continuous silence
Even if the silence of the restrainer frowns

٤٩. وليستْ بحاليَ من مُسْكةٍ
وإن جَمْجَمَتْ سكتةُ الكاظمِ

50. That refused, for you are a people
Who provide life to the pleased and resolute

٥٠. أبى ذاك أنَّكُمُ مَعْشَرٌ
مناعيشُ للرازحِ الرازمِ

51. And that the disease of the poor
Has no cure but you, time's decider

٥١. وأنْ ليس للداءِ داءِ الفقي
رِ غيرُكُمُ الدهرَ من حاسمِ

52. Whoever you deliver to his days
Remains in miserable, binding poverty

٥٢. ومن تُسْلِموهُ لأيّامِهِ
ففي شظفٍ لازبٍ لازمِ

53. After the station of the feeders
Could I lose the station of the fed?

٥٣. أمِنْ بَعْدِ منزلة المُطْعِمي
نَ أعْدِمْتُ منزلةَ الطاعمِ

54. After denying me the inviolable path
You delivered me to the lost

٥٤. أمِنْ بَعْدِ منعي حريمَ المَضِي
مِ أسلمتموني إلى الضائمِ

55. So my spout became for the scorners
And my tent pole submitted to the non-Arabs

٥٥. فلانتْ قناتيَ للغامزي
نَ وارْفَتَّ عُوديَ للعاجمِ

56. Was I not in a shining horizon?
So what is my place in a gloomy horizon?

٥٦. أَلَمْ أك في أُفقٍ مُسْفِرٍ
فماليَ في أُفقٍ قاتمِ

57. Was I not pliant in your shade?
So what is my place in the assembly of the stentorian?

٥٧. ألمْ أكُ جذلان في ظلكم
فماليَ في مَقعَد الواجمِ

58. To your justice, all of it appealed
So your justice suffices me for a ruler

٥٨. إلى عدلكَ المُشْتَكَى كُلُّهُ
فحَسْبي بعدْلِكَ من حاكمِ

59. Indeed I am wrong to complain
While your justice is like the shining star

٥٩. وإني لأظلمُ إذْ أشتكي
وعدلُكَ كالكوكبِ الناجمِ