
May God reward me for the ugliness of my face with happiness

جزى الله عني قبح وجهي سعادة

1. May God reward me for the ugliness of my face with happiness
Just as He has rewarded him, and God is All-Powerful

١. جزى اللَّه عني قبحَ وجهي سعادةً
كما قد جزاهُ والإله قديرُ

2. I frightened people with it, so they paid protection money
As if I was their ruler at that time

٢. ذَعَرْتُ به قوماً فأدَّوا إتاوةً
كأني عليهم عند ذاك أمير

3. A nobleman ransomed himself from the ugliness of my face
A minister whose father was a nobleman and a minister

٣. فَدى نفسَهُ من قُبْح وجْهِيَ سَيِّدٌ
وزيرٌ أبوه سيدٌ ووزير

4. So let not Qasim cut off my livelihood
For he has no claim on me other than being my guard

٤. فلا يَقْطَعنَّ الرزقَ عنِّيَ قاسمٌ
فليس له مني سواه خفير

5. I knew his nature and that was his habit
And I denied his estrangement which was unwarranted

٥. عرفت له الإجراء وهو صنيعهُ
وأنكرتُ منه الهجرَ وهو نكير

6. The duration of what happens and his absence
Prolongs the short night for me

٦. وما قدْرُ ما يجري وغَيْبةُ وجْهِه
تُطيلُ عليَّ الليلَ وهْو قصير

7. Seeing him is more important to me than what
Comes into his possession and passes

٧. لرؤيتُهُ عندي أجل منَ الذي
يَحُلُّ به من مُلكه ويسيرُ

8. So do not make estrangement your habit, for it
Is worthy of perfecting what was initiated for me

٨. فلا تجعلنَّ الهجر دَأباً فإنهُ
بإتمام ما أَسْدَى إليَّ جدير

9. Otherwise, why would I need his company
When I am devoid of anything less than it

٩. وإلا فمالي حاجةٌ في نواله
وإني إلى ما دونَه لفَقير

10. Is there really a blessing for there to be affection?
Is there really a meadow for there to be a brook?

١٠. وهل نِعمة حتى تكونَ مَودَّة
وهل رَوْضة حتى يكونَ غدير

11. Everything plentiful is paltry before his face
And everything great other than it is petty

١١. وكلُّ كثيرٍ تافهٌ عند وجهِهِ
وكلّ كبيرٍ غيرَه فصغير

12. His gifts distract me from seeing him
And his company, I am thus being deceived

١٢. أنائلُهُ يغتَرُّني عن لقائه
ومجلِسه إنّي إذاً لغرير