1. Abu Al-Saqr's deeds and acts
Seem to emanate from his face
١. أضحى أبو الصقر وأفعالُه
كأنما تنتجُ مِن وجهِهِ
2. He confronted goodness with kindness
Description falls short of his essence's expanse
٢. عارضَ بالإحسانِ حُسناً له
لا يبلغ الوصفُ مدَى كُنهِهِ
3. He has no flaw but that
No eye falls on his likeness
٣. ليسَ له عيبٌ سِوى أنَّه
لا تقعُ العينُ على شِبْهه
4. O you who visit a pond other than his pond
Count as remote what is near his plenty
٤. يا وارداً حوضاً سوى حَوْضِهِ
عَدّ عن الغِبِّ إلى رِفْهِه
5. He met a lad whose deeds the highborn approve
After what comes and in its midst
٥. تلقَ فتىً تَرضى العُلا فِعْله
في عَقْب ما يأتي وفي بَدْهه
6. Hopes laugh at his good tidings
And events dread his success
٦. تَسْتَضْحِكُ الآمالُ عن بِشْره
وتَذْعَرُ الأحداث عن نَجْهِه
7. No pleasure has made him forget a promise
When it coquettishly woos another, it makes him forget
٧. لم تُلْهِهِ عن سُؤددٍ لذةٌ
متى تُغازِلُ غيرَه تُلْهِهِ
8. What he gives you in his patience falls short
Of some of what he gives you in his alertness
٨. يَقْصُرُ ما يُعطيكَ في حُلْمه
عن بعضِ ما يُعطيك في نُبْهِهِ
9. He answers thousands of questions with his eloquence
How excellent that eloquence of his is
٩. يَجْبَهُ بالآلاف سُؤَّالَه
يا حبذا ذلكَ من جَبْهِهِ
10. The most frequent complaint of his guest is
He insists on kindness despite his displeasure
١٠. أكثرُ شكوى ضيفِهِ أَنَّه
يُغَبُّ بالبِرِّ على كُرْهِهِ