
O one whose merit tomorrow becomes greater

أيا فضلا غدا فضلا

1. O one whose merit tomorrow becomes greater
Above people and through time

١. أيا فَضلاً غدا فضلاً
عن الخلق وفي الزَّمْنَى

2. Yet, you miserable cripple
Whom I address with this name

٢. أَمَا والعَرَجِ المحض الـ
ـلذي أنت به تُكنَى

3. If I lessen what you are called
It does not lessen the meaning

٣. لئن صُغِّرَ ما تُدعى
به ما كُبِّر المعنَى

4. We have tested you, an ignoble Kufan
Of despicable origin and destiny

٤. بَلَونا منك كوفياً
لئيم الأصل والمَجنْى

5. The people of Kufa are the lowest of the low
A people, all individuals

٥. وأهل الكوفة الرذل
ة أدنى الأرذل الأدنى

6. Their defects come in pairs
So neither their near ones are saved

٦. أُناس كلُّهم فَرْدٌ
وسوآتُهُمُ مَثْنَى

7. Nor their distant ones approached
The ribs of the people of this world

٧. فلا دانيهمُ يُجنَى
ولا نائيهمُ يُدنى

8. Bend in their hatred of them
Ignorant deviants

٨. فأضلاع بني الدنيا
على بغضهمُ تُحْنَى

9. To the left instead of the right
Swerving misleaders

٩. مَجاهيلُ مَعازيل
إلى اليسرى عن اليمنى

10. To evil instead of good
Their verses built

١٠. مخاذيلُ مَمَاييل
إلى السَّوْأَى عن الحسنى

11. Without piety to God
And their guest reads in them

١١. على غير تقى اللَّه
غدْت أَبياتُهم تُبنَى

12. Mud and filth afterwards
We fattened them like lambs

١٢. ويُقرى ضيفُهم فيها
مَلاطاً بعده مَزْنَى

13. Yet how can there be fat for them?
The place of shameless mongrels

١٣. فَسَمْنَاهُمْ كعَجْفاهم
وأنَّى لهمُ السَّمنى

14. And people of cowardly dialect
When we say "we" to them

١٤. محلُّ الشيمة الهَجْنى
وأهل اللغة اللَّكنى

15. We bend from their speech
How many deceitful ones among them

١٥. إذا قلنا لهم نحن
فمن قولهمُ نِحْنَى

16. Have cheated the family of God
How many supporters among them

١٦. وكم من مورِق فيهم
لآل اللَّه ما أجنى

17. Have availed the family of God nothing
How many traitors among them

١٧. وكم من ناصرٍ فيهم
لآل اللَّه ما أغنى

18. Have betrayed the family of God
We examined them of old

١٨. وكم من خاذل فيهم
لآل اللَّه قد أخنى

19. With an eye that knew no sleep
Yet no generation was too short for them

١٩. تأملناهُمُ قِدْماً
بعينٍ لم تكن وَسْنى

20. Nor dwelling too long
When their disgraces are counted

٢٠. فلم يَقْصُر لهم قرن
ولا طال لهم مَبْنَى

21. They are beyond number or limit
So God granted them no well-being

٢١. إذا عُدَّت مخازيهم
فما تُحْصَى ولا تَفْنَى

22. Or wealth or tranquility
God's hand is over the inhabitants

٢٢. فلا عافاهُمُ اللَّه
ولا أَغْنى ولا أَقْنَى

23. The dwellers, and the dwellings
And each has a trouble

٢٣. يدُ اللَّهِ على المسكَـ
ـنِ والساكنِ والسُّكنى

24. That keeps him concerned
The worry of the despicable cripple

٢٤. وكلٌّ فَلَهُ هَمٌّ
من السوء به يُعْنَى

25. Comes from me and lingers in his mind
His ascension is pure madness

٢٥. وهمُّ الأعرج الوغدِ
مِنيٌّ في استه يُمْنَى

26. His descent thoroughly crazed
Whenever his hernia bulged

٢٦. صحيحٌ عُلْوهُ جَلْد
عليلٌ سُفْله مُضْنى

27. Qais inclined toward Labna

٢٧. إذا ما فَيْشةً لاحت
صَبا قيسٌ إلى لبنى