
The son of a nightingale is a palm tree

إن ابن بلبل نخلة

1. The son of a nightingale is a palm tree
That does not bow to the falcon from behind

١. إنَّ ابن بلبلَ نخلةٌ
لانتْ لصقرٍ من وراءِ

2. The one who copied progress
With the ministry for the judiciary

٢. ذاكَ الذي نسخَ الإجا
رةَ بالوزارة للقضاءِ

3. He ruled men with pride
The rule of strong men

٣. ملكَ الرَّجالَ بعزَّةٍ
مِلْكَ الرجالِ الأقوياءِ

4. And for long he ruled men
With humiliation like women

٤. ولَطَالَ ما ملكَ الرجا
لَ بذلّةٍ مثل النساءِ

5. His happiness has become for him
A bad pledge for misery

٥. أضحتْ سعادتُه له
رَهناً مَليّاً بالشقاءِ

6. Abdul Nadaa, king of the robe you see him
The mighty meeting

٦. عْبدُ الندى ملكُ الحجا
ب تُراهُ جبّارَ اللقاءِ

7. Falling despicably in the courtyard and his nose above the sky

٧. يهوي سَفالاً في الحضي
ضِ وأنفهُ فوقَ السماءِ