
O Suleiman, I do not blame you for your

يا سليمان لا ألومك في رد

1. O Suleiman, I do not blame you for your
rejection of my poetry, should the beast be blamed?

١. يا سليمانُ لا ألومك في ردْ
دِك شعري وهل تُلام البهيمَهْ

2. Two things have led you astray from understanding my poetry
The fear of straining yourself and the fear of defeat

٢. دلَّهتك اثنتانِ عن فهم شعري
خوفُ أن تُجتَدى وخوفُ الهزيمَهْ

3. Rather I saw praise of you as ugly
As a gown on a wretched bride

٣. بل رأيت المديحَ فيك قبيحاً
كَلبوسٍ على عروسٍ ذميمَهْ

4. Rather you were relieved and shook at my poetry
So I left holding back, a wretched soul

٤. بل قد ارتحْتَ واهتَزَزت لشعري
فأرتك الإمساك نفسٌ لئيمَهْ