
A fart came from our mailman

أتت من بريدينا ضرطة

1. A fart came from our mailman
He learned it from the post office mules

١. أتتْ من بَريدِيّنا ضَرطةٌ
تعلَّمها من بغال البريد

2. His father lived in an alley
So he clapped his ears from afar

٢. وكان أبوه على شُقَّةٍ
فصَكَّ بها أذنَه من بعيد

3. It certainly disgraced what came before it
With an iron limit and severe might

٣. لقد هتكتْ ما أتى دونه
بحدٍّ حديدٍ وبأْسٍ شديد