
I tested Ali and found him true,

بلوت عليا فألفيته وفيا وألفيت قوما نكث

1. I tested Ali and found him true,
And deceitful people I also knew,

١. بَلوتُ عليّاً فألفيتُهُ
وَفِيّاً وألفيتُ قوماً نُكُثْ

2. A man of fine character in all affairs,
Whom Allah kept from all that is impure,

٢. فتىً طاب في كلّ أحوالهِ
ونزَّهَهُ اللَّهُ عما خَبُثْ

3. A third of his wealth he gave to his brothers,
Keeping for himself only a third,

٣. لإخوانهِ ثُلثا مالهِ
وليس له منهُ إلا الثُّلُثْ

4. And Yahya acted thus before him,
For this was the custom of his noble house.

٤. وما زال يحيى كذا قبلَهُ
وهم أهلُ بيتٍ لهذا وُرُثْ