1. Every man praises a man for his generosity,
So if he exaggerates, he intends to insult him.
١. كلُّ امرىءٍ مدح امرأً لنواله
فأطال فيه فقد أراد هجاءَهُ
2. If he did not appreciate the remoteness of the goal
When bestowing gifts, he would not exaggerate his praise.
٢. لو لم يقدِّر فيه بُعْدَ المُسْتقَى
عند الورود لَمَا أطال رشاءَهُ
3. But I do not exaggerate my eulogies
Except to give the one I praise his due.
٣. غيري فإني لا أطيل مدائحي
إلا لأوفي من مدحتُ ثناءَهُ
4. And I would consider it an injustice to intentionally minimize his praise,
And be angry if he were to minimize his gifts.
٤. وأَعُدُّ ظلماً أن أُقِلَّ مديحَهُ
عمداً وأَسخطُ أنْ يُقِلَّ عطاءَهُ