
A tyrannical and unjust aggressor,

واتر ظالم وناقض وتر

1. A tyrannical and unjust aggressor,
Which of these two deserves regret?

١. واترٌ ظالمٌ وناقض وتْرٍ
أيُّ هذيْن يستحق الندامَهْ

2. A forbearing one who was wronged by a fool,
So the forbearing one took back his injustice,

٢. أحليمٌ أصابَ منه سفيهٌ
فاستردَّ الحليمُ منه الظُّلامَهْ

3. Or a fool who dishonored a forbearing one,
So the fool earned humiliation and disgrace,

٣. أم سفيهٌ أصابَ عِرضَ حليم
فأصابَ السفيه طفْر عُرامهْ

4. O Khaled, igniter of wars against me,
You were once peaceful and calm,

٤. خالدَ اللُّؤْمِ أنتَ هيَّجْتَ حَرْبي
ولقد كنتَ وادعاً في سلامه

5. You foolishly bought sleep with oblivion,
And disliked dishonor after honor.

٥. فاشتريتَ السهاد بالنومِ جَهلاً
ورئمتَ الهوان بعدَ الكرامه