
The bread of Jesus is made of half a lupine seed

خوان عيسى من نصف ترمسة

1. The bread of Jesus is made of half a lupine seed
And its two sheets are made of two lentil shells

١. خِوانُ عيسى من نصف ترمسةٍ
وصحفتاه من فِلْقتي عدَسَهْ

2. That is the grace of God that He bestows
On whom He wills, not from his own essence

٢. ذلك فضل الإله يمنحُهُ
من شاء لا ذاك حظ من نَفِسَهْ

3. From a tiny seed, His bread
Is hidden from the eye, though it seeks it

٣. من ذَرةٍ ذرة جَرادقه
تخفى على العين فهْي مُلتمسَهْ

4. If it was sifted with silk, it would seep
Through the fabric's gaps, not held back

٤. لو نُخِلَت بالحريرِ لانسربت
من خَلَلِ النسج غير محتبسَهْ

5. When you grab the loaf, it seems
A lion has grabbed it there and torn it

٥. إذا افترستَ الرغيف أنَّ لهُ
كأن ليثاً هنالك افترسَهْ

6. Until when you start eating it
It sends up from intense sorrow a sigh

٦. حتى إذا ما طَفِقتَ تأكلهُ
صَعَّد من فرطِ حسرةٍ نَفَسَهْ

7. As if each morsel you ate
Was stolen from his hands by force

٧. كأنما كل لقمةٍ أكلتْ
منزوعةٌ من يديه مختلسَهْ

8. Oblivious of the affairs of his forgetfulness
Debased at the house guarding his bread

٨. مغَفَّلٌ عن أمور نسوته
مُذْلٍ على بيت خبزِهِ حَرَسَهْ

9. The neighbor lights his fire, and sees
The light of his own lamp lit from it

٩. يَقتبس الجارُ ناره فيرى
نار سِراجَي هُداه مقتبَسَهْ

10. And if he saw or felt a while
The smoke of a fire, he would snuff it out

١٠. وإن رأى أو أحس آونةً
دخانَ نارٍ لجاره كَبَسَهْ