1. With lanterns swaying and travellers thronging its heights
The hillside is visited at eve and dawn.
١. ومونقةِ الرواد مهتزة الربا
يحاسنُها سارٍ وغاد ورائحُ
2. It has a charm whose lights, the farther seen,
The more they tempt and dazzle as they dawn.
٢. توقَّد فيها كلما تَلَّعَ الضحى
مصابيحُ تذكو حين تخبو المصابحُ
3. Its blossoms smile from afar to greet the bee;
A wafting fragrance breathes from where they throng.
٣. تُضاحك نُوَّاراتُها زهرَاتها
لها أرَج في نافح العطر نافحُ
4. When by his cares oppressed the seeker climbs
To visit it, down droop on him its boughs.
٤. إذا مدّها المهموم في صُعدائه
إلى قلبه انساحت عليه الجوانحُ
5. I shunned men's praises and escaped their blame.
My censurers now no more afflict my ears.
٥. زجرتُ ثناء الناس ثم انتجعته
ولم يتخالجني سَنيح وبارحُ