
O Virtue, you are a virtue that has befallen

أيا فضل إنك فضل أصا

1. O Virtue, you are a virtue that has befallen
your sheikh from where he did not earn

١. أيا فَضْلُ إنك فضلٌ أصا
ب شيخكَ من حيثُ لم يكتسبْ

2. And whoever fears Allah, He will grant him
and provide for him from where he did not account

٢. ومن يَتَّق اللَّه يصنعْ له
ويرزقْهُ من حيثُ لم يحتسبْ

3. May Allah reward the youth of our neighbors
the reward of the gentle-hearted humpback

٣. جزى اللَّه شُبَّان جيرانِنا
جزاءَ الشفيق الحَفيِّ الحَدِبْ

4. They are merciful to our barren sheikh
So they come to him with the kindness due to him

٤. يَرقُّونَ للشيخِ منا العقيمِ
فيأتونَ من برِّه ما يجبْ