
When praised, he who deserves it is deprived,

غابن الحمد حقه مغبونه

1. When praised, he who deserves it is deprived,
While vilifying the exalted debases oneself.

١. غابن الحمد حقَّهُ مغبُونُهْ
وهوانُ العلا على المرءِ هونُهْ

2. A residence empty of every guest,
And every hosting host, is inhabited.

٢. والمَحلُّ الخلاءُ من كُلِّ ضَيْفٍ
ومَضيفٍ مُعَطَّلٌ مسكونُهْ

3. A vessel that contained abundance and blame
When empty, is laden.

٣. والوعاءُ الذي وَعَى الوفْرَ والذَّمْ
مَ خليطين فارغٌ مشحونُهْ

4. I see wealth as some people imagine,
That the wealth possesses them, not they it.

٤. وأرى المالَ ما يَخال أناسٌ
أن ذا المالِ فيهُمُ مغبونه

5. Best wealth is its measured sum for the praiseworthy,
Just as best praise is its measured sum.

٥. خيرُ مالٍ موزونُهُ لذوي الحمْ
دِ كما خيرُ حَمْدِهم موزونه

6. Soundest views are those you'd think, possessed by their holder,
That he was bereft of them.

٦. وأصحُّ الآراءِ ما ظنَّ ذُو الأَفْ
نِ بِذي الرأي أنَّهُ مأفونه

7. The composed youth, a fortress of fortresses,
Is he whom you meet, his hands his fortress.

٧. والفَتى الحازِمُ الحصين حصوناً
مَنْ تُلاقيهِ والأيادي حصونه

8. Vilest of men is he who walked amongst them,
Surrendering honour, greeting disgrace.

٨. وأخسُّ الرجالِ مَنْ راحَ فيهم
مُسْلَمَ العِرض سالماً ماعونه

9. Spend your money before spending your life,
For time is fickle, ephemeral.

٩. أنْفِق المالَ قبل إنفاقكَ العم
رَ ففي الدهر ريبُهُ ومَنونه

10. Rarely does wealth benefit a miser;
In the sod, the vessels of his coveting are pledged.

١٠. قلَّ ما ينفع الثراءُ بخيلاً
عَلِقَتْ في الثَّرَى المهيلِ رُهونه

11. Think not your money is a thing belonging to you,
Like blood of your veins, its best diluted.

١١. لا تظنَّنَّ أن مالك شيء
كدم الجوف خيره محقونه

12. Had he who hoarded wealth escaped his ruin,
So too would Qarun have escaped his.

١٢. لو نجا من حِمامهِ جاعلُ الما
ل مَعاذاً له نجا قارونه

13. Sow affection, and you'll reap it enduring,
For some of what's sown returns, milled.

١٣. ازرع الحُبَّ تَسْتدمْهُ فَمِمَّا
رُدَّ مزروعُهُ أتَى مَطْحونه

14. Eat and feed, for perhaps tending gain
Bountiful and blessed, are those you nourish.

١٤. كلْ وأطعمْ فربما راعَ ريْعاً
زاكياً من تعولُه وتَمونه

15. Do not hoard from others wealth you eat,
Nor refuse bounty, for it's refuse is vilest.

١٥. لا تَفرَّدْ بأكل مالٍ ولا تَمْ
نُنْ بعُرْفٍ فَشَرُّهُ مَمْنونه

16. They who consume wealth, distract it from glory,
And hoarding benefits no man, amassed.

١٦. آكلوا المالِ شاغلوه عن المَجْ
دِ ولا ينفع امرءاً مَخزُونه

17. Those who imprison wealth, themselves it imprisons,
For no imprisoned jailer freedom finds.

١٧. خازنو المالِ ساجنوه وما كا
ن ليسعَى لساجنٍ مَسْجونه

18. God provides for those he created,
So think good thoughts, dispel doubt.

١٨. إنَّ ربَّ العبادِ يرزقُ من يَخْ
لُق فليُحْسنَنَّ ظنَّاً ظَنُونه

19. Think good of God, trust not in the pledges
Of a severe man whose oaths are wanton.

١٩. أحسِنِ الظنَّ بالإلهِ ولا تأ
منهُ أمن امرئٍ شديدٍ مجونه

20. Be suspect of the suspect in all things,
And blame him, let not his oaths convince you.

٢٠. واسترِبْ بالمُرِيبِ من كلِّ شيءٍ
واتَّهمْهُ لا تَحْتجنْك حُجونه

21. When you expect evil, then beware it;
Many an evil is certain, though suspected.

٢١. وإذا ما ظننتَ شرّاً فَخَفْهُ
رُبَّ شَرٍّ يقينُه مَظنونه

22. Do not rest secure from suspecting foes,
Take care, else their treachery will surprise you.

٢٢. لا تَبِيتَنَّ آمِناً من ظَنينٍ
واحترسْ منه أوْ تليك أُمونه

23. How much ease has an enemy denied you,
When long ease made you less wary?

٢٣. كم رُكونٍ جنى عليكَ حِذاراً
مَنْ أطالَ الركونَ قلَّ رُكونه

24. If my ordeal's prolonged, I'm not addled -
My time, nor my mind deranged.

٢٤. إنْ تَطُلْ مِحْنَتِي فلا أنا مَفْتو
نٌ زماني ولا أخي مفتونه

25. Rather, I'm a lad whose nature slashes pain
When cursed, his curse returns to damn the curser.

٢٥. بل فتىً ذو خَليقةٍ تَضْرحُ اللَّعْ
نَ إذا اللعنُ جرَّهُ مَلْعونه

26. Except when the owner of wealth is in debt to me -
Then I am in debt, though creditor by right.

٢٦. غيرَ أَنِّي إذا غدا صاحبُ الما
لِ مديناً فإنني مديونه

27. I'll carry debts in rights, even if blamed,
For right persists, its law remains.

٢٧. أحملُ الدين في الحقوقِ وإن أُث
قِلْتُ والحقُّ قائمٌ قانونه

28. I'm pleased by the madness of a foolish time,
Maybe it will enlighten maddened minds.

٢٨. راض مِنِّي جنونُ دهرٍ سخيفٍ
ربما ثَقَّفَ العقولَ جنونه

29. It pleased me then provoked me, yet it's ruled
By ceaseless whims, never reigned in.

٢٩. راضني ثم هاجني فاعتلاه
بي شديدُ المحال لا موهونه

30. It leaped at days in steps that bruised me,
Drew a sword whose edge I'd long sheathed.

٣٠. وثَّبَ الدهرَ وَثْبَةً جشَّمَتْنِي
سَلَّ سَيْفٍ عَمِرتُ دهراً أصونه

31. Long was my pact with it, unchanged,
Burnished or worn by time.

٣١. طالَ عَهْدي به ولم يَتَغَيَّرْ
ليَ مصقولُه ولا مسنونه

32. Yet to draw it is hard, though in my heart a blaze
Nearly burst free from my secret depths.

٣٢. وعزيزٌ عليَّ سلِّيه لكنْ
كُلُّ سَيْفٍ فللظهور كُمونه

33. I struck at time until its sharpness yielded,
After defiant excess, bent to me.

٣٣. جَرَّدته يدي وفي القلبِ وَجْدٌ
كادَ يَفْرِي تَجَمُّلِي مكنونه

34. With a sword that rejects betrayal to the slain
When one trusted is betrayed.

٣٤. فضربتُ الزمانَ حتى استكانتْ
بِيضُهُ بعدما استطالتْ وجُونه

35. It's not forged of iron essence,
But from glory, its blade and sheath.

٣٥. بحسام يأبَى الخيانة في الرَّوْ
عِ إذا خان آمناً مأمونه

36. If time were lent the loyalty in Musa's son,
Its epochs would not expire.

٣٦. ليس من جوهرِ الحديدِ مَصُوغاً
بل من المجدِ نصلُهُ وجُفونه

37. If the sword were lent the clarity in Musa's son,
No rust would tarnish its sheen.

٣٧. لو أُعير الزمانُ ما في ابنِ موسَى
من وفاءٍ لما تفانت قرونه

38. Majid, whose sweat soaked the earth of glory,
And fulfilled the boughs' branches.

٣٨. لو أعيرَ الحُسامُ ما في ابن موسى
من صفاءٍ لما جلته قيونه

39. A lad in whom all wisdom stirs,
And stillness suits his composure.

٣٩. ماجدٌ ساخ عرقُهُ في ثرى المجْ
دِ وأوفت على الغصون غُصونه

40. He never neglected to probe mysteries,
Keeping sharp eyes on the loyal.

٤٠. من فَتىً للذَّكاءِ كلُّ حراكٍ
حلَّ فيه وللوقاء سكونُه

41. O scion of the Bareem clan, I have hope
In none but you Majid to fulfill it.

٤١. لم يَزَلْ ذا تَفَقُّد للخفايا
مُذْكياتٍ على الصَّديقِ عُيونه

42. I thank and praise you Abu Hasan of beauty,
When backs are burdened by debts.

٤٢. يا فَتَى آل بَرمكٍ ليَ مُرْجىً
ما أرى ماجداً سواك يكونه

43. I thank and praise you Abu Hasan most fine,
When hearts are aligned with sorrows.

٤٣. أحمدَ الحمدِ يا أبا حسن الحسْ
نَى إذا الظهرُ أثقلتهُ ديونه

44. There is a sanctity between us, and time has bit me,
Though its command could not rend.

٤٤. أحمدَ الحمدِ يا أبا حسن الحُسْ
نَى إذا القلبُ حَالفتْه شُجونه

45. The sword bears witness you're the true sword,
No deceiver who would betray the undeceiving.

٤٥. بيننا حُرمةٌ وقد عضَّني الده
رُ ولا قَتْ ظهورَ أمرِي بطونه

46. So accomplish my need, for in needs
You're the fortunate bird, its omen blessed.

٤٦. شهد السيفُ أنَّكَ السيفُ حقاً
لا كَهامٌ يخونُ من لا يخونه

47. Your share, I think, embraces glory,
So walk with your brother, we'll embrace our ruin.

٤٧. فامضِ في حاجتي فإنك في الحا
جةِ مسعودُ طائرٍ مَيمونه

48. Musa is the confidant of those who confide,
Strengthened through his support of Aaron.

٤٨. لك حظّ أراه يُعْنِقُ في السَّيْ
رِ فساير أخاك تُعْنِقْ حَرونه

49. So aid me, for perhaps with treasure laid bare
Lies one roused by another concealed.

٤٩. إنَّ موسى نَجِيُّ من لا يناجَى
شُدَّ منهُ بِعَوْنِهِ هارونه

50. Do not neglect a gathering where
My good thoughts of you prove true, for words have their crafts.

٥٠. فأعنِّي فَرُبَّ صاحبِ كنز
مستثارٌ بغيرِه مدفونه

51. And dress my ode in the finest ode,
Like the sweetest melodies' trills.

٥١. لا تدعْ محضراً تُحقِّقُ فيه
حُسْنَ ظَنِّي فالقولُ جَمٌّ فنونه

52. For how many faults have you cloaked, that I see
In none cloaked or composed wrong.

٥٢. واكسُ شعري من النشيدِ نشيداً
كالغناء المُشذَّراتِ لُحُونه

53. And if you display the garb of a friend,
Like brocade - none other matches its weave.

٥٣. فلكم مُعْوِرٍ سترتَ فما أعْ
ور مكسورُه ولا ملحونه

54. Time has one possessed, so treat him,
And perhaps he will show me one possessed.

٥٤. وإذا ما نشرت بزَّ صديق
فكديباج غيرهِ بزيونه

55. Be diligent in my need before one easy,
Whose heights are facile and fecund.

٥٥. إنَّ للدهرِ منجنوناً فعالجْ
ه عسى أن يدور لي منجنونه

56. A hopeful wish is a promise to its hopeful,
A promise, and its fulfillment secure.

٥٦. جُدْ بتسهيل حاجتي عند سهلٍ
للمعالي سهوله وحُزونه

57. Generosity released his wealth to reap praise,
As the hopeful's hands are freed from prison.

٥٧. وَعْدُ أمنيَّةِ المؤمل عنه
وعْد فيه ووعدُه مضمونه

58. Between his robes, a sun of wisdom and rain
Of bounty spills upon us, abundant.

٥٨. أطلقَ المالَ جودُهُ يجتني الحم
دَ وأيدي المؤملين سجونه

59. So guidance is where the sun rises from it,
And dew where its abundance spills.

٥٩. بين ثوبَيْهِ شمسُ رأي وغَيْثٍ
مستهَلُّ الحيا علينا هَتُونه

٦٠. فالهُدى حيث تطلعُ الشمسُ مِنْهُ
والندى حيث تستهِلُّ دجونه