1. A supple, saffron yellow she-camel,
was given me as a gift--her price as well as her color--by Hazwar.
١. وسميطةٍ صفراءَ ديناريةٍ
ثمناً ولوناً زفها لك حَزْوَرُ
2. She grew so fat that she was about to become an ostrich,
and became so full that her udder was about to burst.
٢. عظمتْ فكادت أن تكون إوزةً
ونَوتْ فكاد إهابها يتفطرُ
3. She began to give freely of her milk, pouring forth abundantly,
the syrup over the door of the almond in her flowed.
٣. طفِقت تجود بذَوْبها جُوذابة
قَانَى لبابَ اللوز فيها السكّر
4. How good was the climate there, with its dripping rainclouds,
and how good the land as the spray continued to pour!
٤. نِعَمُ السماء هناك ظَلّ صبيبُها
يَهمي ونعم الأرض ظلت تمطر
5. How lovely it was above the bowls and her daughter before her,
with her bleating, bubbling over with joy!
٥. يا حسنَها فوق الخِوان وبنتُها
قدامها بصهيرها يُتَغَرْغَر
6. We kept peeling the skin back from her flesh
as if scraping butter from a churn.
٦. ظلْنا نقشِّر جلدها عن لحمها
وكأن تبراً عن لُجيْن يُقشَر
7. She had been preceded by unweaned young she-camels
as if the meadows were exporting the like of them.
٧. وتقدّمتْها قبل ذاك ثَرائد
مثل الرياض بمثلهن يُصَدَّر
8. They were all perfectly delineated, embroidered
with white and dark interwoven.
٨. ومدقَّقات كلُّهن مزخرفٌ
بالبيض منها مُلَسَّنٌ ومُدَنَّر
9. Then there came stewpots after that, delicious,
with which the gluttons were delighted and the throat satisfied.
٩. وأتتْ قطائف بعد ذاك لطائفَ
تَرْضى اللهاةُ بها ويرضى الحنجر
10. The cheeks smiled at the bowls of seasoned meat above them,
and tears from the oil were squeezed from the eyes.
١٠. ضُحُكُ الوجوه من الطبرزَد فوقها
دمع العيون من الدِّهان تُعصّر
11. From the wealth of one with abundant merit it seemed
as if the spring floods of the Euphrates were bursting forth,
١١. من مالِ ذي فخرٍ كأن بنانهُ
خُلُجُ الفرات إذا غدت تتفجَّرُ
12. Who gives much but esteems his plenty as little,
while the little he has given by another seems abundant.
١٢. يعطي الكثير فيستقِل كثيرهُ
وقليلُه مِن غيرِه مستكثَر
13. He is a sun, right and left flanked by a moon,
the full moon of the sky with Venus that shines brightest.
١٣. شمسٌ يحف يمينها وشمالها
بدرُ السماء ومشتريها الأزهَر
14. God requite them--three brothers
of fair looks and refined speech.
١٤. للّه دَرُّهُمُ ثلاثةُ إخوةٍ
حسنتْ مَناظرهم وطاب المخبَر