
I see the son of Hurayth who cares not for my satire

أرى ابن حريث لا يبالي عضيهتي

1. I see the son of Hurayth who cares not for my satire
And continues to be content with my satirizing

١. أرى ابنَ حريثٍ لا يُبالي عضيهتي
وما زال قِدماً بالعضيهة راضيا

2. Even if I also satirize his mother, he would not care for me
Just as he was not troubled by my raillery

٢. ولو نِكتُ أيضاً أمَّه لم يبالني
كما أنه لم يلتبِس بهجائيا

3. It does not harm him after that
That I satirize her such that he sees me

٣. وما ضرَّه ألا يُبالي بعدها
ركوبي إياها بحيث يرانيا

4. Whether my tongue and my companion make clear his matter
It's the same if the jesters satisfy him

٤. لساني وأيري لو تبيَّن أمرَه
سواءٌ إذا ما قنَّعاهُ المخازيا

5. They are two unrestrained parties, both of them
The same to whoever else is not a protector

٥. هما الطرفان العارمانِ كلاهما
سواءٌ على من كان غيران حاميا

6. Do you not see that Allah has limited for them both
A limit, and Allah was a just judge

٦. ألم تر أن اللَّهَ حَدَّ عليهما
بحدٍّ وكان اللَّهُ بالعدل قاضيا

7. Oh son of Hurayth, I satirize your mother angrily
And you show resilience while I am excited

٧. أيا بنَ حريثٍ نكتُ أمَّكَ في استها
تصبَّرُ مهجُوّاً وأجزعُ هاجيا

8. So refrain, be patient with my satire, for I
Am determined with it, the Nile did not flow

٨. فدونك فاصبِرْ للهجاء فإنني
زعيمٌ به ما أصبح النيلُ جاريا

9. If a man does not care about the chastity of his woman
Then her chastiser is more worthy to not care

٩. إذا لم يبالِ المرءُ عَبطَ أديمِهِ
فعابطُهُ أحرى بأنْ لا يُباليا

10. My satirizing you heals me, even if you don't care
It suffices you as an illness that I gain my remedy

١٠. هجائيكَ يَشفيني وإن لم تُبالِه
وحَسبُك داءً أن أنال شِفائيا

11. I swear if you laugh mockingly
At my poetry, your conscience has cried

١١. حلفتُ لئن أصبحت تضحكُ هازئاً
بشعري لقد أمسى ضَميرُك باكيا

12. And you barking at my poetry after
Its fires have appeared from your cheeks constantly

١٢. وإنك في تنبيح شِعْري وقد بدَتْ
نواقدُه من صفْحتَيك دواميا

13. Is like the dog in his biting the horn of his horn
After a stab depleted him completely

١٣. لَكالكلبِ في تَعضيضه قرنَ قِرنه
وقد أنفَدَتْه طعنةٌ هي ماهيا

14. And he pretended with what pained him while hiding it
Though he does not conceal with that what is hidden

١٤. وأصبحَ يُخفي ما به مُتَجَلِّداً
وإن كان لا يُخفي بذلك خافيا

15. He feigned calmness which is not of his nature
And turned away from his sores while pretending

١٥. تكلَّف حِلماً ليس منه سَجيةً
وأَغضى على أقذائه مُتغاضيا

16. To convey to me the tightness of his abdomen
So he can vent in my presence and frown

١٦. ليُبلِغَني عنه رباطةَ جأشِه
فيكسرُ في ذَرْعي ويكْسِفُ باليا

17. He did not scheme except after his patience ran out
More fitting for an ignorant one to trick the cunning

١٧. وما احتالَ إلا بعدما عيلَ صبرُه
وأَوْلى بداهٍ أن يُخادعَ داهيا

18. It's as if I see him when he assessed his matter
Then counseled himself there in solitude

١٨. كأني أراهُ حين قَدَّر أمرَهُ
فأمَّر نفسيه هنالك خاليا

19. So one of them said to him, "It is disgrace
For a man to be protected while not protecting"

١٩. فقالت له إحداهما إنَّ ذِلةً
من المرءِ أن يُحمَى وألا يُحاميا

20. You are not of those people; if they are protected
Then do not expose yourself to what you cannot suffice

٢٠. ولستَ من القومِ الذين إذا حَمَوا
فلا تتعرضْ للذي لستَ كافيا

21. And the other said to him, advising him
"Yes, ride the rough seas and dive in the depths"

٢١. وقالتْ له الأخرى وما نصحتْ له
بلى وارْكب الغوْصاءَ واغشَ المغاشيا

22. So he did not see except for ruinous recklessness
Due to its withdrawal from his scheming and denial

٢٢. فزوالها عن كيدِها ونكيرِها
فلم يرَ إلا التُّرَّهاتِ اللواهيا

23. Thus he listened to the order of the one who advised him
Whether he came to consciousness or not, he is not astray

٢٣. فأصغى إلى أمرِ التي نصحتْ له
وإمّا أتى رشداً فما ذاك غاويا

24. Perhaps the son of Hurayth's suspicions will relax
To the extent I suffered rhymes for him

٢٤. عسى ابن حُريثٍ تستريحُ ظنونُه
إلى أنني عانيتُ فيه القوافيا

25. So his madness or troubles are cured
By his imagining that he split me open and restrained me

٢٥. فيَشفي جواهُ أو يُنفِّس كَربه
تظنِّيهِ أنْ قد شقَّني وعنانيا

26. Let him not imagine that about me in his ignorance
I am not what I am guided to meanings for him

٢٦. فلا يتخيلْ فيَّ ذاك بجهله
فلستُ لما أهدي إليه مُعانيا

27. And how can I compose poetry for him that I speak
While the one I criticize does not seek passages to me?

٢٧. وأنَّى أعاني فيه شعراً أقوله
وهاجيهِ لا يبغي إليه المرَاقيا

28. That is because vilification comes to every fallen one
Like a flood seeking a valley

٢٨. وذاك لأن الشتْم في كلِّ ساقط
يجيء مَجيءَ السيل يطلبُ واديا

29. Torrents called by a dwelling and led
By a channel, so they came full of floods

٢٩. سيولٌ دعاها مستقَرٌّ وقادها
مَسيلٌ فجاءت مُفْعَمات طواميا

30. Yes, passageways rising high are only for a man
Who looked to the peaks of lofty mountains

٣٠. بَلى إنما المَرقَى الكؤود على امرئٍ
تطلَّع أشرافَ الجبالِ العواليا

31. Like the people of bounty, courage, knowledge, and argument
May Allah water those generations and meadows

٣١. كأهل الندى والبأس والعِلم والحجى
سقى اللَّه هاتيك الذُّرى والروابيا