
Good is made by its maker

الخير مصنوع بصانعه

1. Good is made by its maker
So when you do good, it will come back to you

١. الخيرُ مَصْنوعٌ بصانِعِهِ
فمَتَى صنعْتَ الخيرَ أعقبكا

2. And evil is done by its doer
So when you do evil, it will afflict you

٢. والشَّرُّ مفعولٌ بفاعِلِهِ
فمتى فعلْتَ الشر أعطبكا

3. By Allah, you have not lit a torch
Except for misfortune in yourself you have ignited

٣. تاللَّهِ ما ألهبْتَ مُصْطلِياً
إلّا لنَحْسٍ فيك ألْهَبكا

4. So be careful not to do wrong, hopefully
Misfortune will not be your star

٤. فاحْرِصْ على ألّا تُسيءَ عسى
ألّا يكونَ النَّحْسُ كَوْكبكا

5. And know that Allah takes revenge
So make fearing Allah your refuge

٥. واعْلَمْ بأنَّ اللَّه مُنتقِمٌ
فاجعَلْ تُقاةَ اللهِ مَهْرَبكا

6. Do not think Allah forgets
Whoever laughed at him when he cried

٦. لا تحسبِنَّ اللَّه مُطَّرحاً
مَن بِتَّ تَضْحَكُ منه حين بكى

7. Or sought help from him and he supported him
And made misfortune his drink

٧. أو يَسْتَقيدَ له وينْصُرَهُ
ويصيبَ بالتَكْديرِ مَشْرَبكا

8. So repent to Him, and His mercy will come upon you
And fear Him if He frightens you

٨. فأنِبْ إليهِ تُصبك رحْمَتُه
وارْهَبْ إذا ما اللَّهُ أرهبكا

9. And when He spares you, fear His power
For He is capable when He takes you

٩. ومتى أقالكَ فاخْشَ سَطْوَتَه
فهْوَ القديرُ إذا تطلَّبَكا

10. Do not let His kindness make you covetous
Indeed, greed sets up traps

١٠. لا تُطمِعَنَّك فيه رأفتُهُ
إنَّ المطامع تنصِبُ الشَّبَكا