1. O you who was stingy with his kindness
My eyes have suffered from insomnia because of it
١. يا ذا الذي ضنَّ بمعروفه
عني وقد قاسيت فيه الأرقْ
2. Go easy on me for I am but a man
Who still slips often while awake
٢. أقلنيَ العثرة إني امرؤٌ
ما زلت في الصحو كثير الزلق
3. I was content with what I had wished for
A fine wage and the paper’s debt
٣. رضيت مما كنت أمَّلته
بأجر وراقي وغُرمِ الورق
4. Make them my fortune and expedite them
And be pleased with the overdue bill
٤. فاجعلهما حظي وعجِّلهما
وارض من المطل بما قد سبق
5. For outstanding debt is ugly
And the ugliest debt is an old one
٥. إن جديد المطل مستقبح
وأقبح المطلين مطل خلق
6. I do not blame you for anything except
Reciting my poetry about you amongst the throngs
٦. ولست أهجوك بشيء سوى
إنشاد شعري فيك وسط الحَلَق
7. And if an inquirer were to ask
What rewards the praiser got, say: anxiety
٧. وأن إذا استخبر مستخبرٌ
ما ثوَّبَ المادح قلت القلق