1. Justice is an obligation, and bestowing gifts is voluntary
O son of the generous, be just and then generous
١. العدلُ فرضٌ وبذلُ الفضلِ نافلةٌ
يا ابنَ الكرامِ فعدلاً ثم إفضالا
2. You have possessed wealth, being generous in a way that has no equal
And justice is the best of what you possess, O wealth
٢. ملكتَ مالكَ جُوداً لا يُقامُ له
والعدلُ أفضلُ ما ملكتَهُ المالا
3. You have given people gifts without asking anything of them in return
The most excellent giving, and they did not come to you asking
٣. أعطيتَ قوماً وما استكفيتَهم عملاً
أسنى عطاءٍ وما جاءوك سُؤَّالا
4. The lot of your unfortunate writers is that they were deprived
Of their rights, even though they were the most diligent workers
٤. وحظُّ كتّابِك الأشقين أنْ بُخسوا
حقوقهم وهمُ الأوفَونَ أعمالا
5. The writers of your blessed state are its birds
Who have become the most wretched of writers in their condition
٥. كُتّابُ دولتِك الميمونِ طائرُها
أضحوا وهم أسوأ الكتّاب أحوالا
6. The servants in your service who have given you their full effort
Are in dire poverty and privation
٦. عبيدُ خِدمتكَ المُعطوكَ جهدَهُمُ
في غايةِ الجهد إقتاراً وإقلالا
7. So show them favor with a gift from you that will revive them
O most benevolent and generous of people
٧. فاعطفْ عليهم بفضلٍ منك ينعشُهُم
يا واحدَ الناس إحساناً وإجمالا
8. Protect those who protect you from the burden you carry
May he give you more protection and carry burdens from you
٨. صُنْ مَنْ يصونك عن ثُقل تُحمله
يَزِدْكَ صوناً ويحملْ عنك أثقالا
9. Do not look down on them, even if you have risen above them
For the fish is supported by the hook, no matter how long
٩. لا تحتقرهُمْ وإن أصبحتَ فوقهُم
فالسَّمكُ بالأُسّ مدعومٌ وإنْ طالا
10. So be gentle with the foundation you are the pinnacle of
For you have risen while they have not attained a shaking
١٠. فارفُقْ بأسّ بناءٍ أنت ذِروتُهُ
فقد غدوتَ وما نالوهُ زِلزالا
11. When the foundations of a building extend
The building inclines and will not remain if it inclines
١١. إن البناءَ متى مادتْ قواعدُهُ
مالَ البناءُ ولن يبقى إذا مالا