1. O sir whose hands are immersed
In gratitude from those who thanked him
١. يا أيها السيدُ الذي غمرتْ
قِدْماً أياديه شُكر من شَكَرَهْ
2. You had extended to me a great hand
Honored by me though it was disdained by you
٢. قد كنتَ أوليتَني يداً عظمتْ
عندي وكانت لديك محتقرَهْ
3. You found four for me in advance
When you freed me from my righteous guarantors
٣. أربعةً جُدتَ لي بها سلفاً
إذ عقّني من ثِقاتيَ البررَهْ
4. And how many a hand before it you mended
My bone though time had broken it
٤. وكم يدٍ قبلها جَبرتَ بها
عظمي وكان الزمانُ قد كسرَهْ
5. So if you take to account, none but the transgressor
A servant excuses his master more than himself
٥. فإن تُقاصِصْ فغيْرُ ذي شططٍ
وعبدُ مولىً أحقُّ من عذرَهْ
6. And if you delay the accounting of the destitute
He thanks you, and gratitude is the best fruit
٦. وإن تُؤخِّر قِصاصَ ذي عَوَزٍ
يشكْركَ والشكرُ خير ما ثمرَهْ
7. And your right is gratitude however you were
For in it is righteousness and good
٧. وحقُّك الشكر كيف كُنتَ وما اخ
ترتَ ففيه الصلاحُ والخِيَرهْ
8. And my great expectation is that none like you
Whose kindness strayed nor was severed
٨. وكُبْر ظنّي أنْ ليس مثلك من
أخدَجَ معروفه ولا بتَره
9. May He ransom you from every wavering person
Who follows the purity of his deed with murkiness
٩. يفْديك من ذاك كل منتكِثٍ
يُعقِبُ من صَفوِ فعله كدره
10. You knew my livelihood for two months
Was fourteen in addition to ten
١٠. رزقي لشهرين قد علمتَ به
أربعةٌ نيّفت على عشره
11. And the addition to the decade is like a hump
If rounded, it stays with its back bent
١١. ونيِّفُ العقد كالسَّنام له
إن جُبّ أبقى بظهره دَبَره
12. The decade will not fulfill after its addition
The need of the needy nor his plight
١٢. لن يقضى العقدُ بعد نيِّفهِ
حاجة ذي حاجة ولا وطره
13. And how can the lame bear his rider
Rather, how can it take him on a journey?
١٣. وكيف حملُ العقير راكبه
لا كيف أو قطعه به سَفره
14. So leave the hump to shade my livelihood
For you are most abundant in conferral and plenty
١٤. فاترك لرزقي سنامه يَقِهِ
فأنت أولى موفِّرٍ وفره
15. O you who prefer people with wealth while you
Have the greatest effect upon them
١٥. يا مُؤثِرَ الناسِ بالثراء ومن
له عليهم بالسؤددِ الأثره
16. Glory is not lonesome, O son of Umar
For you are more magnificent than its habitation
١٦. لا أوحش المجدُ يا بني عُمرٍ
منكم فأنتُم أجلُّ من عَمَرَه