1. A bracelet of thanks to Airi for the favor of his blessing
Thanks, for in ingratitude you are blameworthy
١. سوارُ شكراً لأيْري فضلَ نِعمتِهِ
شُكْراً فإنك في الكُفران مأثومُ
2. How much did your mother Airi endure while praying
And he is indeed severe in illness, feverish
٢. كم خاضَ أُمَّكَ أيري وهْي وادعةٌ
وإنه لشديدُ الوعك مَحْمومُ
3. He never entered through a single door of hers
Far be it from any injustice, he is blameless
٣. ما بات يدخلُ من بابٍ لها وحَدٍ
حاشاه من كُلِّ جَوْرٍ إنه لُومُ
4. Rather from three open doors
To each door an allotted share from him apportioned
٤. بلْ من ثلاثةِ أبوابٍ مُفتَّحةٍ
لِكُلِّ بابٍ نصيبٌ منه مقسومُ
5. From her lips, her cheeks, and from her mouth
The shares of equity, in them none wronged
٥. من ثفْرِها وجِعبَّاها ومن فمها
قَسْمَ السويةِ ما فيهن مَظْلومُ
6. If he inclined to a single door she called out
"Be just!" You were guided, for injustice is condemned
٦. فإن ألظّ ببابٍ واحدٍ هتفتْ
عدلاً هُديتَ فإن الظُّلْمَ مذمومُ
7. He guides to her heart a spirit through a window
As if a stone in the palm, smoothed
٧. يُهدي إلى قلبها رَوْحاً بفيشلةٍ
كأنها حَجَرٌ في الكَفِّ ملمومُ