1. O empty one who deluded me with his chatter
With neither evidence nor proof
١. يا باطلاً وهَّمْتنيهِ مخائلُه
بلا دليلٍ ولا تثبيتِ برهانِ
2. Say to the son of wind if he is the son of wind
And the son of wind is not like a human
٢. قُلْ لابن بورانَ إن كان ابنَ بورانِ
وما إخال ابن بورانٍ بإنسانِ
3. You are but an illusion that wandered around
And my satire of you is but estrangement and teeth grinding
٣. ما أنتَ إلا خيالٌ طاف طائفُهُ
ولا هِجائيكَ إلا هُجْرُ وسَنان
4. I used to think you were something so I satirized you
Until my suspicions about you were removed by my reasoning
٤. قد كنتُ أحسبُهُ شيئاً فأهْجُوَهُ
حتى أزالَ ظنوني فيه حُسبْاني