
I came to Ibn ‘Amr and found him

أتيت ابن عمرو فصادفته

1. I came to Ibn ‘Amr and found him
Sick in disposition, exhausted.

١. أتيتُ ابنَ عمروٍ فصادفتهُ
مريضَ الخلائق مُلتاثَها

2. So my horses stood at his door
Munching and eating their fodder.

٢. فظلَّتْ جيادي على بابِه
تَروثُ وتأكل أرواثَها

3. Thirsty camels complaining to their Lord
That the night was too long for their watering.

٣. غوارثَ تشكو إلى ربها
أطال السَبِيعيُّ إغراثَها

4. So I began to invoke curses upon him,
That death might share out his inheritance.

٤. فأقبلتُ أدعو على نفسه
بأن يَقْسِم الموتُ ميراثَها

5. Much was said that need not be repeated;
I told them it was the camels’ excrement.

٥. وقد قيلَ ما قولةٌ قالها
فقلت لهم رَوثةٌ راثَها

6. He had certainly vomited from his fullness;
I made him disgorge what he had swallowed.

٦. لقد ماثَ من جَعْسِهِ عِترَةً
فأسعطتهُ بالتي ماثَها

7. As for the rhymes, I jumbled them up
And brought out the booby’s nonsense.

٧. وأما القوافي فقلَّبتُها
وأخرجتُ للعبد أرفاثَها

8. Rhymes that the fool refused to string together
I reserved for the fool his stupidities.

٨. قَوافٍ أبى الوَغْدُ إبريزَهَا
فأخلصتُ للوغد أخباثَها

9. Desolate places that had long lain waste,
And old men worn out with age,

٩. أوابِدُ قد خيَّستْ قبلَهُ
كهولَ الرجال وأحداثَها

10. When they halted in the abodes of Utá
Were cramped in its narrow passes.

١٠. إذا نزلتْ في ديار العُتا
ةِ كانت من الضيق أجداثَها

11. How much poetry he broke in it,
And how much rubbish he scattered!

١١. فكم حَطْمةٍ حَطَمَ الشعر في
هِ ثَمَّ وكم عَيْثةٍ عاثَها

12. Surely I cannot be blamed if the wing
Of a falcon missed the quarry it was chasing.

١٢. ولا جُرمَ لي أن أساءت جَنا
ةُ مزرعةٍ كان حَرَّاثَها

13. Nor can fire be at fault if the helmet
Turned out in the morning to be its fuel.

١٣. ولا ذنبَ للنار في سَفعةٍ
إذا هو أصبحَ محراثَها

14. The rhymes did no wrong, but you
Wronged them, exceeding all bounds.

١٤. وليس القوافي جنتْ بل جنَيْـ
ـتَ أنت تعسفتَ أوعاثَها

15. You violated the beauties of that eulogy
Through ignorance, and were left with trifles.

١٥. نكثتَ مرائرَ ذاك المديـ
ـح جهلاً فقُلِّدتَ أنكاثَها