1. I came to You without an intercessor to intercede for me,
Even though people could have been intercessors for me, had You willed.
١. أتيتُك لم أشفعْ إليك بشافعٍ
ولو شئتُ كان الناسُ لي شفعاءَ
2. But I devoted all my praise to You alone,
And did not associate any partners with You.
٢. ولكنَّني وفَّرتُ حمدي بأَسره
عليك ولم أُشرك بك الشركاءَ
3. Your help is with me, as I already know,
Even if it were hidden, I would look for a bribe.
٣. نداك مَعينٌ كالذي قد علمتُه
ولو كان غَوْراً لالتمستُ رشاءَ
4. This is a winter whose porch has become shaded,
And Your neighbor is a neighbor who does not fear winter.
٤. وهذا شتاء قد أَظلَّ رِوَاقُه
وجارُك جارٌ لا يخافُ شتاءَ