
Return my greeting from behind your veil

ردي التحية من وراء حجابك

1. Return my greeting from behind your veil
God has returned our hearts with your return

١. رُدّي التحيةَ من وراءِ حجابِكِ
رَدّ الإلهُ قُلوبَنا بإيابِكِ

2. I used to find solace in passing by your abode
Now I'm forlorn when they depart with your mount

٢. قد كُنْتُ آنسُ بالمرورِ ببابكِ
فالآن أُوحَشُ إذ غدَوْا بركابِكِ

3. Death in its intoxication is not more intense
Than my torment the eve they announced your leaving

٣. ما المَوْتُ في سكراتِهِ بأشدَّ مِنْ
وجْدي عشيَّة آذنوا بذَهابِكِ

4. So know that you've slain a man whose heart
Was shredded by the pain of your torment

٤. فتيقَّني أنْ قد قتلْتِ فتىً له
قلبٌ تشحَّطَ في أليمِ عذابِكِ

5. Why did the stead's legs weaken and falter
When it set out jostled by your camel litter

٥. ما للْمطيِّ تخاذلتْ أركانُهُ
لمّا غدا مُتقاذِفاً بقبابِكِ

6. And its limbs detached from its saddle
When my rope was cut from the cords of your causes

٦. وتزايلَتْ أوصالُه عن رحْلِهِ
إذْ بتَّ حَبْلي من عُرا أسبابِكِ