
O son of her who, when asked

يا ابن التي كانت إذا سئلت

1. O son of her who, when asked
About what was evident of her pregnancy,

١. يا ابن التي كانت إذا سُئلتْ
عما استبان بها من الحَبلِ

2. Said it was the winds, and she was lying,
And justified that with false excuses,

٢. قالت رِياح وهْي كاذبة
وتعللت في ذاك بالعللِ

3. Until she came to them with the son of an adulteress,
His lineage cast in haste.

٣. حتى أتتهم بابنِ زانيةٍ
سلَّتْ سلالته على عجلِ

4. From an evil slave who fornicated with her
While they were on the brink of dishonor.

٤. مِن عبدِ سوءٍ كان عاهَرها
وهما على حَرْفٍ من الوجلِ

5. She was not given a proper dowry or married
At that time, with jewelry or garments.

٥. ما مُهرت مهراً ولا نُكِحَتْ
إذْ ذاك في حَليٍ ولا حُلَلِ

6. Do you think the winds turned into a pregnancy?
Verily the winds are the carriers of burdens.

٦. أتُرى الرياحَ تحولَّتْ حَبلاً
إنّ الرياحَ لجمَّةُ النُّقلِ

7. My son, the winds, your birth
Is the shame of time and disgrace of fortunes.

٧. أبني رياح إن نعمتَكم
عارُ الزمانِ وعُرَّة الدولِ