1. Al-Bayhaqi sought a horn but was not granted it
Yet he was struck on his ear
١. طلب البيهقي قَرناً فلم يُحْ
رمْهُ لكنه أصيب بأذْنِهْ
2. Not like one who did not attain it, so he persevered
When he wanted it, O how long was his sadness!
٢. لا كمن لم يَنَلْه واصطُلِمت إذ
ناه لمّا ابتغاهُ يا طُولَ حُزنِهْ
3. O Bain, which horn could be upon him?
If only there was intellect for Al-Bayhaqi equal to his weight
٣. ويك يا بيْنُ أيُّ قَرن عليه
ليتَ للبيهقي عَقْلاً بوزنِه
4. His horn was like his mother's vulva in length
But it was thick like his mind
٤. قرنه مثل بظرِ أمك في الطو
ل ولكنه غليظ كذهنه
5. If he aimed his satire at me
I would have fled in fear of his stab
٥. لو مكانَ الهجاء سَدَّدَهْ نَحْ
وي توليتُ هارباً خَوْف طعْنه
6. But the stupid person does not know
Where in him lies the intensity of his pillar
٦. لكنِ الوغدُ جاهلٌ لَيْسَ يدري
أَيْن منه تكونُ شدَّةُ رُكْنه
7. He does not know, out of ignorance, where in him
Lies the power and where the place of his weakness
٧. لَيْس يدري من الغباوة أين ال
بأسُ منه وأين مَوْضِعُ وَهْنه
8. Rather I see he wanted to take away my soul
With his nonsense, leading me astray to destroy me
٨. بل أراهُ أراد إترارَ روحي
بأهاجيه لي ضلالاً لأفْنه
9. Does the bull not know that my heart
Between my ribs contains the fires of his mind?
٩. أَتُرى الثور ما درى أَنَّ قلبي
بين جنبيَّ فيه نيرانُ ذهنه
10. But his ignorance of that blinded him
He did not plug the hole of his son's intensity
١٠. بل أبى علمَهُ بذاك عماهُ
ما له سَدَّ ثُقْبَتي جدَّةِ ابنه
11. I do not fear when the free part of my poetry appears
Wearing, underneath the cold, the armor of its protection
١١. لست أخشى إذا بدا حُرُّ شِعْري
مُلْبسي دون بُرْده دِرْع أَمْنه
12. May God's curse be upon him everyday
For he is more deserving of curse than the Magians
١٢. لعنةُ اللَّه كُلّ يوم عليه
فهو أَولى من المجوس بلعنه
13. A curse from him covers him when he stays
And another visits him on the day of his departure
١٣. لعنةٌ منه في الإقامة تَغشا
هُ وأخرى تزورهُ يوم ظَعْنه
14. A man who claims strictness and conquest
While his entourage starves by his permission
١٤. رجلٌ يدَّعي الصرامة والفت
ك وحَولاؤهُ تُناك بإذنِه
15. Like what he claims of knowledge of grammar
Despite his ignorance and frequent mistakes
١٥. مثل ما يدعي من العِلْم بالنحْ
و على جهله وكَثْرة لحنِه
16. Fallen, he betrays the brave and the eyes
In their sleep, due to the sprouting of his horn
١٦. ساقطٌ يخبنُ الغلاصِمَ والأع
ينُ في رُدنه لمنبت قَرْنه
17. I ate him but my eyes did not see
Anything like eating him and his betrayal
١٧. أنا آكلته فما بَصُرت عي
ني بشيء كأكله وكخبنِه
18. I said, "Who are you, O gluttonous weakling?"
"Witnesses upon him are the effects of his slumber"
١٨. قلت من أنت أيها الشرهُ النذ
لُ شهودي عليه آثار رُدنه
19. He said, "I am the servant of the prince." I said, "For you is all disgrace, rather the servant of his stomach."
Al-Bayhaqi is a dead rotten body
١٩. قال عبد الأمير قلتُ هواناً
لك كلُّ الهوان بل عبدُ بطنه
20. And can the dead ever possess anything but stench?
And in the prince's eye were things
٢٠. إنما البيهقي مَيْتٌ مجيفٌ
وهل الميتُ مالكٌ قطعَ نتنه
21. That yesterday necessitated his imprisonment
So let him return him to the mortar, condemned
٢١. وبِعين الأمير أشياءُ كانت
مِنْهُ بالأمس مُوجباتٌ لسَجْنِه
22. For the rotten has nothing like his burial
I am like Al-Bayhaqi, if I am not
٢٢. فليُعده إلى المطابقِ مذمو
ماً فما للمُجيف شيء كَدفنه
23. From him the position of the eyelash to the eye
We have ground him and squeezed him, O Bain
٢٣. أنا كالبيهقي إن لم أكن مِنْ
هُ مكان القذاةِ من بطن جَفْنِه
24. So eat all his earnings and saddle his oil
٢٤. قَدْ طَحَنَّاه واعتصرناه يا بي
نُ فكُلْ كسبَه وأسرِجْ بدهنه