1. If only her ankles were his wrist
No mercy would miss him when it covered her
١. لو أن رِجْليَ عِرسِه يداها
ما أخطأتْهُ رحمةٌ تغشاها
2. Since her legs were created high
As if they both beg Allah for forgiveness
٢. مذ خُلقت مرفوعةً رجلاها
كأنما تستغفرانِ اللهَ
3. People blame him if he chooses her
As for the one who knows her adultery
٣. يلومُهُ الناسُ إنِ اصطفاها
مع الذي يُخبَرُ مِنْ زِناها
4. And Khaled knows why he chose her
Who would heal his disease without her?
٤. وخالدٌ يدري لمَ اجتباها
من كان يشفي داءَهُ لولاها
5. The old man prevents her from her desire
Or imprisons the bald man in his attraction to her
٥. يمنعها الشيخُ من اشْتهاها
أو يحبس الأصلعَ في دَباها